Key Fob Help Please


Hi Folks,

I am new to this site having just bought my first Alhambra 1.9TDI (2003), in fact my first SEAT. So a big hello to everyone.

I would like some help with changing the batteries on my key fob and resetting them.

Firstly i would really appreciate some help getting the key fob apart as i cannot seem to open it. I am afraid to try any more for fear of damaging the key fob unit.

Secondly i have searched the site for instructions on re programing the key fob once the new batteries are in place. Cannot find anything relating specifically to Alhambra so would appreaiate some instructions or a link to some.

Finally any ideas where i could buy a new remote key fob as a second one for wife.

Thanks to all.




The instructions for my '99 Alhambra key resequencing are in the user manual I recall - I have done it once bit quirky with turning the key in the drivers lock certain directions in specific time!


Hi Both,

Thanks for the response i appreciate your time. Sorry for the delay in responding but was working all weekend.

I have managed to find the right way to program the key which works fine. However it still does not work. I have taken the key fob apart, removed the circuit board and found that one of the two switches on the board is not working. By that i mean when you press the switch (to lock doors) it does not click like the other. This clearly seems to be the problem.

Does anyone know where i can buy one of these circuit boards or will i have to buy a complete fob. if so where is best place to get one.




Active Member
Sep 25, 2005
Houston, Renfrewshire
Try keyman99 or Keymanuk (or similar, cant remember exact name) on ebay, he has plenty of different variations. I paid 26 quid for a brand new flip key with blank blade for my Ibiza.

Best of luck!
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