One of you lot?


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
109 the fastest they've caught? Lol

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james berkeley

Active Member
Aug 8, 2014

That is not clever, it's not macho, it's just plain simple stupid....

I expect I'll get flamed by certain folks on here, but the fact remains -59mph over the speed limit is reckless, idiotic and a danger to other road users. It's not "yawn" and it's not LOL.........


Active Member
May 17, 2015
Yawn ;) :D

Show me a motorists who has broken the speed limit at one time or another and I'll show you a liar

Move along, nothing to see here :)

What he said! If you've only ever driven to or under the speed limit then you can take the moral high ground. Anything else is a double standard! Every one needs to comment on every one else now days, people wont be happy until were electronically governed to the exact speed limit and arnt allowed to touch the steering wheel whilst the cars moving! Complimented by people submitting dash cam footage damming all!!


status subject to change
devils advocate:

99% of drivers break the speed limit at some time or other. many on a regular basis. this i think we can all agree on.

However 109mph in a 50 mph limit is ridiculous and moronic.
Stupid, reckless, idiotic and any number of descriptions of a similar nature apply here.

As far as i understand, the A45 in question is not a motorway nor a dual carriageway. its a two way a road.
In my opinion, anybody trying to justify this event should consider their sanity.
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Active Member
May 17, 2015
devils advocate:

99% of drivers break the speed limit at some time or other. many on a regular basis. this i think we can all agree on.

However 109mph in a 50 mph limit is ridiculous and moronic.
Stupid, reckless, idiotic and any number of descriptions of a similar nature apply here.

As far as i understand, the A45 in question is not a motorway nor a dual carriageway. its a two way a road.
In my opinion, anybody trying to justify this event should consider their sanity.

I totally agree Andycupra, however if you do 60 in a fifty there wil be people saying your a moron, your an idiot, stupid, reckless, your irresponsible. You may think 60 is acceptable though. My point being its all relative. I always (within 2ish mph) drive to 20, 30 and 50 limits but 60 & 70 carriageways? Therefore I have no right to comment, no matter how rediculous I believe others speeds are.
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Active Member
Sep 16, 2016
I'll only "stretch the cars legs" if the road is suitable and I'm only a risk to myself ie late at night, empty road etc. I've seen first hand the affect of 45+ in a 30 and as the adverts say it's 30 for a reason, same applies for 40, 50 and national speed limit but I do often wonder why our motorways are 70 when in France they're 80 and our roads are widening, who knows. I don't think speeding makes you a bad driver as such as others have said I've seen a lot worse driving by elderly doing 20 in a 30 than someone speeding

Cupra Belfast

Active Member
Jun 11, 2016
I'll only "stretch the cars legs" if the road is suitable and I'm only a risk to myself ie late at night, empty road etc. I've seen first hand the affect of 45+ in a 30 and as the adverts say it's 30 for a reason, same applies for 40, 50 and national speed limit but I do often wonder why our motorways are 70 when in France they're 80 and our roads are widening, who knows. I don't think speeding makes you a bad driver as such as others have said I've seen a lot worse driving by elderly doing 20 in a 30 than someone speeding

They could raise the speed limit, say perhaps on variable stretches dependent on traffic density. Modern cars being far more able than those doing 70 back in the day, why not? There is, however, a problem with this. You know there would be three feckin' lorries across all three lanes struggling to pass one another at the tiniest of a speed advantage, no more than +1/2 mph, any time the limit was indeed raised.


Active Member
Sep 16, 2016
They could raise the speed limit, say perhaps on variable stretches dependent on traffic density. Modern cars being far more able than those doing 70 back in the day, why not? There is, however, a problem with this. You know there would be three feckin' lorries across all three lanes struggling to pass one another at the tiniest of a speed advantage, no more than +1/2 mph, any time the limit was indeed raised.

The motorways are growing, with all this 'smart motorway' bollocks there's up to 4 lanes but instead of raising the limit and letting it flow they're using it to make money, speed cameras on every other overhead sign and if those signs change to 50, the cameras change to 50. "Reduce congestion" they say, that and the fact people caught by cameras jumped from 2000 to 50000 but it's not a money making scheme, they say.

I think universally the chances of a copper pulling you over for doing 80 on a motorway are very slim, if cars and roads are getting safer than surely it must be the driver training that'd be causing accidents, some of the driving I see begs belief, seems they give a licence to anyone


Active Member
Sep 16, 2016
Just saw this:
Learner drivers: Plan to include lessons on motorways

Should be compulsory in my opinion, motorway driving is one of the harder things to do well, the amount of lane hoggers and crawlers is ridiculous, it's a lot more than driving fast in a straight line it's about anticipating the actions of everyone else around you


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Just saw this:
Learner drivers: Plan to include lessons on motorways

Should be compulsory in my opinion, motorway driving is one of the harder things to do well, the amount of lane hoggers and crawlers is ridiculous, it's a lot more than driving fast in a straight line it's about anticipating the actions of everyone else around you

I agree. They should at least teach that how to use the lanes properly.
The key things when driving at the national speed (or higher) is to have good awareness, know what is around you and where you are going. Judgment, knowing what to do and when to do it.
In my opinion if this is understood then the roads would a lot safer.

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Active Member
Sep 16, 2016
I agree. They should at least teach that how to use the lanes properly.
The key things when driving at the national speed (or higher) is to have good awareness, know what is around you and where you are going. Judgment, knowing what to do and when to do it.
In my opinion if this is understood then the roads would a lot safer.

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Exactly, if you're a bad or nervous driver at low speed then you might bump something and look like a t**t, if you change lanes from 3 to 2 the same time someone changes from 1 to 2 on the motorway then people die, it's as simple as that, amazes me that motorway driving isn't standard, there's plenty around to use


Active Member
Mar 30, 2013
Just saw this:
Learner drivers: Plan to include lessons on motorways

Should be compulsory in my opinion, motorway driving is one of the harder things to do well, the amount of lane hoggers and crawlers is ridiculous, it's a lot more than driving fast in a straight line it's about anticipating the actions of everyone else around you

Couldn't agree more, that and coming down very hard on middle lane hoggers.
They Should re task the speed cameras -money boxes- on these ridiculous smart motorway crap that cause congestion and use them to catch lane hoggers, that would clear a lot of the causes of congestion at a stroke, once ten year driving bans for middle lane hogging start dropping through people's letter boxes :D

Bit if a bummer though if motorway driving becomes part of the test, rather than optional if you live somewhere like Norfolk, then again if your stupid enough to live in Norfolk ;-) :)


Active Member
Sep 16, 2016
Couldn't agree more, that and coming down very hard on middle lane hoggers.

They Should re task the speed cameras -money boxes- on these ridiculous smart motorway crap that cause congestion and use them to catch lane hoggers, that would clear a lot of the causes of congestion at a stroke, once ten year driving bans for middle lane hogging start dropping through people's letter boxes :D

Bit if a bummer though if motorway driving becomes part of the test, rather than optional if you live somewhere like Norfolk, then again if your stupid enough to live in Norfolk ;-) :)

They could use the money they've made from the 50000 speed tickets to plug money into simulators at theory test centres or something, you'd need to simulate entering and exiting, switching lanes, anticipating people joining slips and cars moving over, be easy enough, if they can have a fighter jet simulator I'm sure they can make motorway simulators but I'm sure the government would much rather continue to make money than invest for improved safety


Active Member
Mar 30, 2013
They could use the money they've made from the 50000 speed tickets to plug money into simulators at theory test centres or something, you'd need to simulate entering and exiting, switching lanes, anticipating people joining slips and cars moving over, be easy enough, if they can have a fighter jet simulator I'm sure they can make motorway simulators but I'm sure the government would much rather continue to make money than invest for improved safety

I though that too, they already have computers at test centers for the non driving part of the test. So it would not take much to install a simulator or two
But as you said the government and local authorities only ever use road safety as a thinly vailed excuse for revenue raising from motorists :censored: