Painting Rear Badge. Debadging/Replacing Letters **GUIDE**


Charlotte :)
Apr 26, 2010
Might be useful for anyone else wanting to try this for a nice subtle change.

Painting the letters

Tools/Parts needed :

New/Previous set of rear lettering badges
Grey Primer Spray
Gloss Black Spray (or another colour of your choice)
Clear Laquer
Set of varied sandpaper

Car used :

10 Plate Ibiza 1.4 SC Sport

Difficulty :

2.5/5- As its time consuming if you're a perfectionist!

So it starts off in normal chrome, like so;


Step 1-
When you have the set of letters (which can be obtained from David @ Sere Motors on here for £7 incl. p&p if i'm correct) rough them up with 60grit sandpaper so the primer will have something to stick to.

Step 2-
Best to spray outside on a non windy day, apply the primer 1 layer at a time. Leaving it to fully dry overnight. Once dry, give it a light sand with 280grit fine sandpaper. Do this about 3 times.

Step 3-
Once all layers of primer have been completed and fully dry, give a light sand with the 280grit then apply the first layer of gloss black spray. Again, in a well ventilated area and leave overnight. Complete the same steps as the primer with about 3 layers. If you find you pick up dust, simply sand lightly and spray again.

Step 4-
After the layers of gloss black have been applied, fine 280grit sandpaper before applying the lacquer. As all above steps, spray, leave to dry overnight, sand and start the process again. Do 3 layers like the rest and any errors simply sand over.

You may find that during the process of spraying the sticky pads on the back of the letters may become covered in paint. Don't worry as this is easily solved by removing them, solution coming up!

With all the letters now complete, it's time to get rid of the old chrome ones on the car!

As said above about the sticky pads, you can buy double sided foam tape (used to stick on number plates) from most places. I bought it from ebay, just 1 metre as you won't use a lot and 1mm thick. You'll have to cut this down, so may be handy to buy a craft knife like I did as its alot easier. Job done!

Replacing/Debadging Letters

Tools/Parts needed :

Dental Floss
Masking Tape
Car Polish
New Letters

Time needed :
5-10 mins per letter

2/5- Simple!

Make sure the surface is clean before you do this.

Step 1-
I did this a letter at a time to ensure they were perfectly straight. Start by putting lengths of masking tape around the edge of the first letter, so right up to the edge just about touching.

Step 2-
Turn the hair dryer on and blow it onto the first letter until it becomes loose and moves around with pushing it. Turn off the hair dryer, take your dental floss and place behind the letter, moving back and forth as you go down the letter. Some residue may be left but is fairly easy to pull off, if not some car polish should bring it off. Then dry/buff the area.

Step 3-
Grab the correct letter, don't want no mis-spelling! Peel off the backing paper and line up within the space created by the masking tape and apply pressing firmly. If you happen to make a mistake, repeat step 2.

You should have something like this...

Step 4-
Continue Step 1, 2 & 3 for the rest of the letters. If the dental floss gets stuck behind a letter, heat it up a little bit more and will eventually become loose.

Gradually you'll get this;




And the finished product!


Quick link of what i used regarding sprays and sand paper.

Sand Paper
Gloss Black Spray
Grey Primer
Clear Lacquer

Hope this guide is useful and easy to understand!
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