Amount of sticky posts :(


Santa in disguise :)
Feb 10, 2005
Near Reevo :)
Guys, Its annoyed me for a while now, but I've not mentioned it before so here we go ....

Sticky posts! How many seriously do we need ? I go to some forum pages and there's a page and a half scroll down before I can see any posts, so .... I just thought I'd post them below, let the mods decide if any can go, and therefore have space for new "important" ones or just clear up the forum :)

I've complied a list below, hopefully you'll agree with me on some if not all of them :)

(And before anyone asks - Yes i am that anal! - Yes it took me bloody hours!)

**By saying delete / time to go - i mean un-stickied rather than deleted! ** Main Site Articles

Comments, Suggestions and Announcements (let the arguments commence ;) )

Forum technical problems
  • Vbulletin Bugs - The post is 2 years old, i'm sure all the bugs have been found ;)
  • Forum Signatures - The post is 3 years old, i'm sure everyone affected has found out by now

Seat Pictures

Leon Mk2 - New Leon


New Toledo
There are too many stickies to go through on that forum, most I'm sure are still valid, but perhaps a word in Bill's ear to see if some can go/out of date?



Formula One (Brighton)
There is a deleted post which is still a sticky, can the non-post be un-stickied?

There is a deleted post which is still a sticky, can the non-post be un-stickied?

There is two deleted posts which are still stickies, can the non-posts be un-stickied?


Problem Issues Q&A

SEATs Wanted
There is a deleted post which is still a sticky, can the non-post be un-stickied?

SEATCupra.Net Discounts

Organised Group Buys
There is a deleted post which is still a sticky, can the non-post be un-stickied?


Ted Johnson SEAT – Dealer Parts
There is a deleted post which is still a sticky, can the non-post be un-stickied?

SEAT Dealer Marketing Promotions

SEAT Servicing & Maintenance

Modifications and Tuning

  • Abbes UK Launch - Web-site re-directs to a parking page, guess they are dead . .. time to remove? Official Events

Central Meets

Other Events

Nürburgring Trips


British & World Touring Car Championships
There is a deleted post which is still a sticky, can the non-post be un-stickied?

General Motorsport

Lifestyle and Sport
There is a deleted post which is still a sticky, can the non-post be un-stickied?

So there you go, that's my little list compiled. - Sorry to the mods, i know it will take you some time to check out each one and decide what you want to do, but hopefully it'll be worth it, I'm sure it was something you were planning to do at some point anyway.

Once they have been amended, removed etc.etc. perhaps everyone could do a quick review in case I've missed any.

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Santa in disguise :)
Feb 10, 2005
Near Reevo :)
LOL - indeed, i started it about half time into the rugby so go figure how long that took me!

I can now officially state i have been into every public forum on this site too :D


See no evil...
Jul 26, 2004
Ok. I've unstuck a fair few of them, but the others I've left until we get some clarification on whether they're still valid/required.

Maybe I should change the server time next...


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
me me me me me! Tam get a room, that post is almost bordering on compulsive disorder ;)

If we have to explain something because we've removed a sticky. Then I've decided to send them to you. You can have all my inane emails too. As your bored enough to list all our mistakes. :D

Admittedly some are a bit late in being unstuck, but sadly I have a life outside this place.

How about next time you want to sit and point out our shortcomings, you'll just send me a PM, save yourself the embarrassment of looking a bit obsessed. :p
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Santa in disguise :)
Feb 10, 2005
Near Reevo :)
me me me me me! Tam get a room, that post is almost bordering on compulsive disorder ;)

If we have to explain something because we've removed a sticky. Then I've decided to send them to you. You can have all my inane emails too. As your bored enough to list all our mistakes. :D

Admittedly some are a bit late in being unstuck, but sadly I have a life outside this place.

How about next time you want to sit and point out our shortcomings, you'll just send me a PM, save yourself the embarrassment of looking a bit obsessed. :p

:shrug: you try and be helpful when you get a spare few mins and you get kicked in the teeth .. :shrug:

(was going to re-write some of the FAQ's and other stickies ... but I'll give it a miss I suppose )


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
I've actually just spent an hour of my time, looking through your suggestions and many of them I've sorted. Maybe next time I'll just ignore you completely then. :confused:

You rib us enough Tam, sometimes you have to accept i'll give it you back. Have a Horlicks and chill. [B)]


Grumpier by the day!
Apr 30, 2006
Milton Keynes
I was thinking of spending that much time sorting some sh1t out last night .. oh hang on, i did .... a full cess pitt & a 30 ft long pipe of it. I suppose given the subject matter it was as close to being anal as I get ..... i'll get me coat :D


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
it's still appreciated, since I rarely have the time to check on this (periodically I try, but get bored quickly)


Santa in disguise :)
Feb 10, 2005
Near Reevo :)
I've actually just spent an hour of my time, looking through your suggestions and many of them I've sorted. Maybe next time I'll just ignore you completely then. :confused:

You rib us enough Tam, sometimes you have to accept i'll give it you back. Have a Horlicks and chill. [B)]

Ahh ... fair enough :) = :cheers:
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