side skirts + Spoiler colour

Jack Jumpin

Active Member
Jul 19, 2007
Hey Eddiel34,

You didn't but ur K1 from AC at Alexandria Parade in Glasgow did u ?

I was in yesterday looking at a FR Tdi.



Active Member
Mar 12, 2008
Northern Ireland
I have the same problem, but not that Bad. I have dealer fitted BTCC body kit fitted to a Emocion Red Leon and there is a slight difference in the coulour when you look very hard at the Car. I have been told that this is due to the kit been made of plastic and the car panels been made of metal..


Active Member
Jan 14, 2008
I did buy from Alexandra Parade. I never spotted the problem till I got home, so they knew about the problem in 15mins. I only got it booked in yesterday due to the general manager taking over. Up until I got to speak to him I was totally fobbed off. Having spoken to him however he has allayed some of my fears. He actually showed me the FR and red K1 beside it, which he told me had the same problem as mine and has been fixed, the FR's kit looked as good as you could probably expect.
If you do decide to go ahead with AC, make sure you go over it with a fine tooth comb.
As for myself, I am reserving my final judgement till I see my car looking the way it should. Although they have stepped up their care of me, it has taken three weeks and the managers involvement to fix a problem that should have been done the next day.


I have just got the car back from the stealer and it looks loads better. The skirts are almost a perfect match but the spoiler is still too black but that may just be the angles and light that makes it look like that. I was told by the stealer that the rear spoiler fell off in the process and they had to bond it back on which is quite worrying. It feels pretty solid now but there is some adhesive that has come out of the gap which is a bit irritating. What is the best way to get rid of the adhesive or is it better just to leave it?


Dave the Parts Manager
Mar 11, 2008
Belfast UK
maybe a daft question but shouldnt the spoiler have been removed anyway to paint it properly? mine is on with windscreen bonder and i scraped the excess off with a stanley blade held at a right angle to the glass, it came off ok but i was very careful not to mark the screen.


need some chocolate
Apr 19, 2008
Belgrade, Serbia
because of primers and other preps it doesn't matter the difference between plastics and metal... it's just lack of dedication by dealers/body shops... just keep pushing them until they do their job as they should...


Active Member
Mar 19, 2008
Backward Skirts....

I just collected my motor with newly fitted spoiler and side skirts yesterday from a body shop in Glasgow (cars not new I just finally went for body kit). Spoiler looks good, paintwork is not perfect, so I may may discuss this with shop manager when i return it next week to get the side skirts, THAT HAVE BEEN FITTED BACKWARDS???, corrected! I’m gutted! In all honesty it doesn’t look too bad, buts its just not right. Front page of fitting instructions clearly depicts orientation of the skirts. The shop claimed to have fitted the skirts in this manner before? Don’t know if anyone on here has this backward setup?

Such is life, another day off work (should actually haggle for discount due to lost holiday time) and who actually reads instructions anyway!!! Ill try and get a picture to show what backward skirts look like, i’m sure I read a post where someone was thinking off installing this way!

the paint looks like a good match though, but i havnt looked in really good light yet,

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MFD3 for sale, inbox me.
Nov 28, 2006
yours is not the first. there have been pics on here somewhere before.
if theyve been fitted properly (with the adhesive) they may be difficult to get off without damaging them.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2008
yours is not the first. there have been pics on here somewhere before.
if theyve been fitted properly (with the adhesive) they may be difficult to get off without damaging them.

here, thats what worries me, but its totally the bodyshops problem. I left the instructions with the fitting kit, they were not even read! Ive been assured it will get sorted. It wasnt a Seat specific bodyshop but part of a well known parent car sale company that also own a Glasgow Seat dealership in a parade...

The more i think about it the more its actually annoying me! As long as its reversable without damaging the car / skirts, ill be happy. Ill let them save the day before i slate the place though. A cheeky discount would not go wrong mind!

Has anyone had any luck with prizing off once secure side body bits?

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