16v cut out, wont start....over fuelling??


Hi, was just getting ready yesterday before supposedly doing a trackday today but the car died and won't restart.

it's a '99 2.0 16v.

It started fine as it always has, I drove it out of the garage and to the front of the house. turned it off and checked all fluid levels.

I wanted to degrease in the engine bay as it previously had an oil leak, so degreaser and started car up fine and whilst ticking over I washed the engine bay off, but certainly didn't soak any electrics (certainly no more than the rain lashing down would have).

I left the car warming up as I started to clean the wheels, but after about 3 minutes it suddenly it coughed and spluttered like running out of fuel and died. It then wouldn't restart it just cranks.

the fuel pump is running,

It has a spark on all 4 plugs,

it just doesn't even try to fire. I sprayed easy start into the intake to ensure it was getting some fuel and strangely it still didn't fire....A spark and fuel it should fire.

I then pulled the plugs and they were soaked in petrol. I'm suspecting it's Over fuelling as that would explain why it really wouldn't want any extra fuel in the form of easy start.

Has anyone any ideas? I've checked the vacuum pipe to the ecu, but that isn't split, niether is the vacuum pipe from the fuel regulator to the intake.

The unit under that spark plug lead cover (the ISV I think) is till humming quietly so I suspect thats ok.

What happens when a fuel pressure regulator fails? could this be it?
Or there was a suggestion from a friend of the temp sensor going haywire and adjusting the fuelling...is this possible?

The searches I've done keep coming back as coil (which it can't be) and crank sensor (which I can't locate).

Any info greatly apprieciated.
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Save a Sheep...Buy Brembo
Sep 20, 2004
South Wales
if not ignation control module aka coilpack..... sitting on the bulk head with a lead going to the dizzy cap, may need to change it!


if not ignation control module aka coilpack..... sitting on the bulk head with a lead going to the dizzy cap, may need to change it!

could this still be the fault if I am actually getting a spark at all 4 plugs?


I thought as not, but as I'm grateful for any suggestions, just keep them coming.

I've been and WD40's as much as possible until I ran out of the stuff.



sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
How about...

Whipping the plugs out, turning it over to dry out the pistons? Clearly no smoking.


Funny you should suggest that, as I did take the plugs out, dried the plugs off and cranked the engine over to dry the bores out.

When the plugs went back in it did cough a hint of ignition, but it really only fired the once, then went back to cranking. I took the plugs out again and they were again soaked in petrol.


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
Hmmmm So could your injectors be 'on' the whole time?

shame the injectors are all inside that crap piece of plastic that's really hard to get into. I wonder if it's got damp in there


Any news on this as I'm currently experiencing the very same issue... Spark and fuel but no bang, all snesors within spec on VAG-COM etc so v v frustrating! :censored:


Back older greyer and less oilier but always hope
Jun 19, 2001
must admit when my coil went i was getting fuel and when tested leads got a decent spark too but wouldn't fire for ages

very intermittently mind but would just about go on full throttle - sounds daft but got me home

changed coil and pack and bang jobs done


Hi, yes I fixed it yesterday. Borrowed a diagnostics machine and it reported that the immobilizer had cut in and stopped the engine running. I cleared the code and it did fire, although only with full throttle and with a horrid missfire under load. I Simply stuck in a new set of plugs and it runs and starts a dream. So I suppose that other than the immobiliser issue (which could have been an old code, but I doubt it), it is possible that it wasn't so much overfuelling, but under sparking and therefore causing the same effect.

Perhaps I just needed new plugs all along? although the immobiliser fault code makes me wonder.


Very weird- Just as you my plugs come out wet but I get a good spark as strapped the electrodes over the plug holes and cranking gives poom poom poom & nice little flame jets :think:

So that's what you experienced too - Spark on all four but no firing? I wonder if the ceramic insulators on the plugs are tracked...

If it was the factory ABF immobilser fault the car would start, run for 1 second and then die.

TBH Not sure I've replaced the plugs in 25k - Had a set of BERU Z90s in there but may nip down to Hellfrauds and pick up a new set


Just picked up a new set of plugs to try when I get home later tonight. Never usually buy NGKs but its all they had so will have to do.
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