could a intake air temperature sensor block the car doing a regen?

Jul 13, 2023
I got a code p0111 a while back, iat sensor is bad, it shows 130 degree as temperature
I deleted the error twice thinking I will change it soon enough and forgot about it, didn't drive for 2 months
My dpf light then came on when i did drive it, because it hasn't regen in 900 miles and it woudn't regen, tried stationary regen and running regen all failed, forced 3k rpm for 30 mins no joy, only the first stationary did go on for 20 minute and temp went 570 degree, went from 38 to 33g, now my temps won't go over 270.
Car is in limp mode because
My soot calculated is now 45g
Soot measured goes up and down -5 -6
The pressure is 4-5hpa when is idling at 800rpm and 10 when idling at 1000rpm and goes up as far as 58 in 4000rpm,
The car went to a garage and had the dpf pressure sensor changed as they thought it was that. no luck, car still won't regen

I don't have a ramp so can't take the dpf out and clean it and if i do it, regen might still not work after
does anyone know if the iat sensor is preventing the dpf to regen?
I have one sensor, if i bought the right one, need to install it, and will update if it fixes it
But I would appreciate if anyone more knowledgeable can shed light if it doesn't, what sould I do? Remove the dpf? is it already removed if it says 4hpa -7 measured at idle with 45g soot?

Will insert 2 pic, they're older info but close enough

Jul 13, 2023
changed the iat sensor
still doesn't regen, read it's caused by having dpf error light having +40g soot so it won't regen, kinda dumb


Active Member
Jan 21, 2021
Are you able to force a regen? I'm tired but I can't tell if you started the regen properly or just revved it at 3.5k.
You could try an in situ cleaner to removed enough soot to allow regens to start again.
Jul 13, 2023
Standing Regen still starts as it's 44.5 soot but stops after 15 minutes .
I used an app, car scanner to start the regens, the standing one worked(started) so I assumed the driving regen also started and drove it hard for 40 mins several times, no joy.
I bought an obd for vcds to see if I can do something in there. (It was a fake cable)

Will take it to a service for them to fix if I can't do anything.
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