customised 'hot pipe' for front mounted intercooler


Active Member
Jun 28, 2016
I have fitted a front mounted intercooler and the piping for the 'cold side' leading to the throttle intake on the driver's side is sorted. I am currently mapping out the piping for the 'hot side' and was wondering what other members had done in regards to the 2 pipe boss connections on the stock hot pipe that have hoses running to the N75 and DV respectively?
I believe that if I revise the vacuum system and remove the PCV, relocate the DV to the cold side then these 2 hoses to the 'hot pipe' are then surplus and redundant. The one that fed to the hot pipe from the DV will now run from the TIP to the relocated DV on the cold side. The smaller hose that went to the hot pipe from the N75 will re-route to the intake?
If I decide to leave the DV where it is without relocating is there a 57mm alloy pipe with the 2 pipe connections already positioned and welded that can be bought or would I have to work with a local fabricator/welder and have them customise something for me. I have seen a ready made one on eBay but it is custom made only for the Cupra R.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated
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