Friend spent £8k on an Ibiza FR just to it explode and Seat not willing to help


Active Member
Sep 19, 2017
Posting for a friend!

She bought a 2012 Seat Ibiza FR Tsi in April 2016 - the car had covered 16,500 miles and the previous owner, an elderly gentleman had only covered 5000 in the last three years.

My friend purchased the car from a Seat dealership for £8000 with a £4000 downpayment, which incidentally was her inheritance money from a relative who passed away.

My friend was always a bit wary of how much oil the car used, so wrote to the previous owner via the V5 after a trip to Seat who told her it was normal as the car had been sitting for so long. The previous owner said the car had 'always been thirsty on oil', but felt he wasn't really able to comment due to how little he drove it.

Since April 2016, my friend has put over 8 litres of oil in it, never over filling, yet never under filling. (Dad is a mechanic)

The car has now covered 33,000 miles and one month ago, the car died whilst she was travelling to work on the A23.

Seat have looked at the car and said two of the four cylinders have failed and this was apparently due to the engine being starved of oil.

They sent away an oil sample which came back as perfect and now Seat are washing their hands of her.

Their response is: Hello XXXX,
We have looked into this and after thorough investigation, have provided you with an official response in regard to your vehicle.

Having established that the issues with your vehicle are outside of our control, we have provided you with the relevant contact details for our team to continue communications.

As previously mentioned, we are unable to discuss this case further on social media.
Best wishes, Leanne.

Where does she stand with this? The work is about £4000, but she is £5000 out of pocket, with £3000 left to pay and a very pretty car taking up space on her driveway, that can't be driven.

It appears that there is something mechanically wrong with the engine itself, for a 5 year old car to fail after 33,000 miles. The car is an automatic if that makes any difference and my friend just drives it to work and back, about 75 mile round trip.

Unfortunately, she does not have gap insurance on her finance plan.

I have done some looking into this (not being a Seat driver myself and her not knowing too much RE cars) and it appears to be a massively common problem!?

She will be looking for her engine number tomorrow to see if she should have had her piston rings replaced back in 2012 or if it was an engine with the new design rings.

Until then, any suggestions?

Any advice would be greatly received.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
Maybe I should have waited until you have come back with the engine type, ie code etc, but, if you are not finding any joy on this forum, then try again on the Skoda forum, ie as they are hunting down Skoda over anyone who has ended up with a car with an engine that is known to have design issues and failing in early life, all VW Group main dealers will be working under the same dictat from VW Group headquarters so issues should be getting dealt with in the same way, though you or she will need to contact SEAT UK and I'd suggest do that in writing and use recorded delivery - then once they get back to her maybe things will improve.

It is well known that all VW Group marques, ditched these suspect cars out of the dealership chains very quickly when this problem surfaced, really to try to avoid any come back - I think that says it all!

Locating a VW Group main dealership that is working under UK type of "best practise" might not be easy as they might just play hard ball and hope that you/she run out of time and effort and take that hit themselves.

One thing though, she will need to be able to make sure that she has been filling that car up with the correct approved oils and making sure that it was always refilled with oil in a timely manner.

Good luck!

Edit:- by the way, the Audi forums are also hunting down Audi over issues people were and are having with the 1.8TFSI and 2.0TFSI engines over drinking oil - and it seems with quite a bit of success! No harm in making a large manufacturer pay for their mistakes, it should make them a bit better at avoiding shameful bad exposure in public?
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Active Member
Oct 30, 2014
You could also take them to court for failing selling a vehicle that is not fit for purpose.

Having plenty of info on this well known fault will help your case greatly.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2016
Contact Citizen's Advice Bureau. It's free and they will fight your corner for you with the dealer.

I would think there's a very good case for rejection of the vehicle under the Sale of Goods Act and merchantable quality. I certainly don't think anyone would find it acceptable to experience this kind of failure on a 4 year old 33k vehicle.


Workshy Fop.
May 30, 2003
Visit site
Although I agree that this shouldn't be happening and have every sympathy with your friend, SEAT will always initially try to fob her off due to her having bought the car over a year ago and her covering so many miles during this time.

Did she raise any issues during her first twelve months of ownership relating to the oil consumption? If these were documented and investigated then she may have some comeback. If not she will have to push and fight to get anything I'm afraid.

It might be worth getting in touch with the citizens advice bureau to see where she stands.
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Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
An urgent "call for help" followed by a 5 replies including 2 asking for the engine type - and no response - why?

Do you want to be helped?


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
I posted yesterday, but it does not seem to be showing??

Anyway, what I posted was, as it is an FR I would have thought that it would either have a 1.2TSI with lower or higher power output?


Active Member
Nov 8, 2016
Ive got the 1.4 TSI DSG (150bhp) and the oil consumpsion works out to about 1ltr every 1000/1500 miles. I thought it was rediculas that id owner my car just 5months and id put in 6ltrs of oil. Eventunatly I took mine to seat and on the 3rd time (the first two i chickened out at the cost of the test) i booked it in for the oil consumpsion test.
Long story short... i was with the guidlines and had to not only loose half a thank of fuel but be billed £243.80 for the pleasure. Ive now come to terms with the oil consumpsion its just one of them things. Im glad i did it for peace of mind.

Its a hard one either get the test done as it could be breathers that need changing. Deal with it and just make sure you have oil in your boot ready for a top up. Or get rid and buy somthing else.

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