Stealers using my new car on display in showroom?!?


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hi, can I get you opinions please?

Had a call from Stealers saying my Cupra 280 has finally arrived! I live in Ireland now and new Reg plate is Jan so was advised to wait to get car in 6 weeks time to have new 161 Reg -otherwise car is only 'new' for the few weeks left this year. Really want the car now, but logic says be patient especially as I have round trip to UK for Xmas so can put miles on car I'm p/x-ing.

Anyway, on phone to dealers they said they think they will put car in the showroom so it doesn't have to be stored outside for next 6 weeks. Initially this sounded good as its out of the weather for this time of year. But when I think about it this means that anyone who visits showroom can then climb all over the seats etc and pry around- this is a car I specced, ordered and will be paying for as a new car so is this a bit naughty of them?!?

Appreciate any thoughts on this please!

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Active Member
Jul 17, 2011
No way!! - a bit of rain will do it no harm but HUNDREDS of dirty sweaty people clambering about in it?!


Active Member
Feb 18, 2015
Buy yourself a car cover and ask the dealers to store it securely, outside under said car cover. I wouldn't have it in the showroom.

The cleaning monkey will probs give it a wipe down every now and again. Scratchy scratchy.

Dealers using your car as a sales tool, rather than spend their own cash bringing in a demo. Bit cheeky/shrewd.
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Full Member
Apr 25, 2004
I would politely suggest that i rather they didnt have it in the show room (as although they will no doubt lock it as JMAC says its the 'cleaning' guys with there dirty cloths that would worry me.

Now if its outside with no cover you run the risk of Bird 'poo' on the car, which in 6 weeks will well and truly etch into the paint.

Of those 2 options, for me anyway in dealership would be my choice (locked) minor cleaning marrring can be pretty easily removed - whereas Bird Poo is more of a problem. Also if the cleaner marks the car you are within your rights to say rectify it. But if a bird deposits its breakfast on your car they wont care "it was your choice sir".

Best senario in a locked covered garage away from everyone IMO.
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Active Member
Apr 1, 2012
Yep agree no way! It'll be the kids of parents clambering all over it while their parents secure deals and your car being the top spec model will be the go to car for almost everyone entering that showroom!

Leave it outside in the rain I say :)


Active Member
Aug 14, 2014
I would rather have the car registered and be driving it around than sat in the dealer! Regardless of what it says on the plate its still as old as the day it rolled off the production line!!


Active Member
Mar 8, 2015
I wouldn't worry... Any damage you find will be their responsibility which I highly doubt there will be any, thus more you'll have the showroom fresh look as apposed to sitting outside with the tyres never looking quite as they would from pick-up day.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Most dealerships own a couple of garages and have a centralised lock up facility to store cars which is under cover. I am hopefully picking my Cupra up on Friday and when it had left the port in the UK I was told it had gone to the dealers depot. That was last Friday so god knows where it has been for the last week.

When my mum picked up her S3 convertible in the summer it was in the showroom for the grand unveiling (pulling off the black cloth) and the second it was off and she was sat down doing the paperwork people were already walking around it, sitting in it etc. despite there being a sign next to it saying "Welcome Mrs XXXXX and congratulations on your new car"

I also worry about how my car has my driven around it it's delivery mileage. I know there is a debate as to whether cars need to be run in these days but I would hate for it to have been ragged about for its first 30 odd miles!


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thanks for all the comments, still seems a bit dodgy to me but I'm going for a quick spin at weekend so will talk to them then. Even if they say they'll leave the car locked you know if someone asks for a look inside they would let them! In their (standard) demo I fitted car seats and everything to check they fit!

And Stu_m, your view was mine too initially but in 6 weeks the car would be a year old here and more importantly the 0% PCP is not available again until 2016 (apparently)! Found that a bit odd too!!

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Cupra Leon VZ2 300/CBF1000
Apr 25, 2014
Edinburgh (Scotland)
Nearly all my new cars where sat in the showroom for a while (personal reg being transferred on) and as I trusted the dealer to make sure no one was going to get in it or clamber over it, I had no problem with it. The cars were always delivered immaculate with no damage or marks anywhere, so it all comes down to the dealer and I know in some places SEAT dealers are not great, and that's why I have always traveled a bit and never bought from any of the dealers in Edinburgh.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2014
I wouldn't allow my car to be left in the showroom, asking for trouble with someone scuffing the interior trim, knocking into the bodywork and so on.

I'd go for the the car cover option (buy one yourself in the worst case that the dealer won't supply something).


Active Member
Jun 18, 2015
My first instinct to this was "fu** that", and having thought about it before posting, I still think the same. Your car is not an advertising platform for them and if they want to show your car off they can pay you for the privilege. It sounds ridiculous but in the end it's your pride and joy, not a toy for tyre kickers and dreamers to sit in.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Nearly all my new cars where sat in the showroom for a while (personal reg being transferred on) and as I trusted the dealer to make sure no one was going to get in it or clamber over it, I had no problem with it. The cars were always delivered immaculate with no damage or marks anywhere, so it all comes down to the dealer and I know in some places SEAT dealers are not great, and that's why I have always traveled a bit and never bought from any of the dealers in Edinburgh.

Never had any bother from the Western group, had 2 VW's one from Gorgie and Kinnaird and 2 Seats from Colligton. I would advise anybody not on their mothers life to buy a car along Seafield....its....well i aint going to go there!


Active Member
Jul 5, 2014
Meppershall Beds.
my "new" car had been in the showroom for 3 months as a pre-reg, but to be honest I couldn't see a mark inside or out when I collected it. Tyres were pristine, and it had that new-car smell for at least 6 months!
But it's a different scenario to yours. I KNEW mine had been sat in and fiddled with, and I saved almost 4k because of that.
Think the idea of getting them to lock it away is best - ideally with a dust cover as well.
enjoy it when it arrives:)


Active Member
Apr 24, 2014
Leeds, Yorkshire
I bought mine from group stock, it had been in the country about a month.

What annoyed me was when I went to collect it was in the general car park surrounded by all the cars that had been brought in for service or MOT by Joe Door banger and his fat wife and spotty kids.

I went round it like a schoolboy drooling but in reality I was systematically scanning every panel for signs of bruises and dings.

When we picked up SWMBO 11 plate Corsa SRi when new, also dealer stock, it was in an individual covered PDI prep bay with a roof over it and traffic cones in front. I think that after we had demoed it and agreed to buy they must have done one more demo with a disabled person because you could see where they had dragged their calliper over the door shut/ sill on the driver side. I said nowt and touched it in myself when I got it home. I had the spray paint in stock as this was the fourth flame red GM car we had owned.
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