What things to alter?h



Hoping you can help me. I have a -96 MKII Ibiza. Is it possible to alter the idelspeed with VagCom 312? How?

What else can you alter on this car?


Full Member
Not all engines do allow changing the idle speed so this is not a question of what tool you use. Our experience has shown that very few cases really needed an adjustment while most simply had oxygen sensor issues or similar.


Well.. There is nothing wrong with the car at all actually. I just would like to have an idlespeed around 900rpm because I have converted it to ethanol. I also would like to give the engine a richer mixture when i start it from cold


Full Member
Try increasing adaptation channel 01 (if it exists) while having the engine idling, for more detailed info I suggest you state the engine code or privide a diagnostic protocol so we can see what exactly you got there. Not all engines do support idle speed changes via diagnostics.
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