Grahams81-Leon 4wd, Big Turbo - Back in the saddle :-)


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
That Orange is going to look spot on - best of luck mate.

Thanks Mate :)

I've just come in the house for a cuppa so i thought i'd do a mini update -

Popped out to the paint shop and picked up this -


I just spent the last hour flattening the primer and scotching it ready to stick another coat on.
I'll need to mix more paint this time so i've got enough for the whole shell and also the roll cage :)

Back too it !!!!


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
that is going to look much nicer than the matt black would have.

Yeh i concur :D dunno what i was thinking with the matte :)

Great to see this coming along still Graham! Looking forward to seeing the finished article. Do you have a rough completion date? I'll take a ticket for a passenger ride once it's finished :p :D

Yeh slowly but surely getting there bud.... still battling on, but there is light at the end of the tunnel now :)
As for a completion date..... i want it MOT'd and on the road for March / April. I think thats realistic - probably going to spend the next 2-3weeks painting then say a month building the car back up (interior etc) then i recon another month finishing off the Manifold / Exhaust system. And probably another month doing stuff i hadn't thought of :lol:

Daily Update -

Just finished for the night, pretty knackered now.

I managed to get the whole shell primed up, i even did the rollcage as i think it'll look nice in Orange against the Black LCR interior bits.
There's about 2 - 3 coats the shell now. I did get a bit over enthusiastic on the passenger side door shuts so there's a couple of runs to deal with tomorrow.
So the plan is flatten the primer tomorrow with 320 then paint the roof in the 2K gloss black.
Hopefully on Thursday i'll manage to get the orange on the sides.

Anyhow here's a couple of piccy's (sorry there a bit **** - not really much to show you all until i get the colour on)


Rollcage all primed -


Passenger Side done -



Can't wait to see the colour on :D

Oh i ordered myself a new bonnet today as mine was all rusty at the front and had some dent's here and there on it.
I went for a fibreglass one from a company called Xsport racing... should be nice and light and the price was roughly the same for a Metal one. That should be with me by the weekend.

Thanks For reading and i'll hopefully update with some colourful pictures tomorrow :)


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
This is going to be awesome mate :)

Cheers Dan :cheers:

Watching this closely Graham, can't wait to see the orange once its on :D

Me too :D, i should really get off my arse and get painting !!!!

Is everything being tango'd?
Or anything being done in a different colour (maybe blue then it can be irn-bru)

The car is going to painted in the Orange but with gloss black Wheels / Roof / Rear Spoiler Delete (top of the boot where the original spoiler sits) / Rear Supercopa Spoiler /Wing Mirrors, not too sure on the bonnet i'll make that decision later on..... not too sure on the bonnet :confused:

Right gonna go do a couple hours of sanding and maybe get the roof painted Black.

Thanks As always for the comments etc :)


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
Excellent progress as always mate, looking forward to seeing this all back together :)

With regards to the bonnet, I'd keep it orange and just do the roof/spoiler/wheels black along with the front grills as a nice contrast. Doing the bonnet as well might be a bit too much...


It's all about stealth!
Aug 4, 2010
I haven't looked for a few days and oh my god what have I missed!

GT3RS Orange! Yes Graham :) this build has gone up yet another notch in my books. It's gonna look amazing when finished I can't wait to see it!

Waiting in high suspense to see orange!


I love reading about your build bud, its great the things dreams are made of:clap::clap::clap:
Can't wait to see a picture of her painted
Brill job, you deserve a award in awesomeness for the car forged in your own driveway.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
Excellent progress as always mate, looking forward to seeing this all back together :)

With regards to the bonnet, I'd keep it orange and just do the roof/spoiler/wheels black along with the front grills as a nice contrast. Doing the bonnet as well might be a bit too much...

Thanks for the comments bud, and your right about the bonnet - orange. The grills will look good gloss black good thinking Batman :D

Epic Graham just epic :D

Cheers Mate ;)

Awesome paint flying along! Don't do the bonnet black IMO.

Thanks, Yeh your right Orange all the way.

I haven't looked for a few days and oh my god what have I missed!

GT3RS Orange! Yes Graham :) this build has gone up yet another notch in my books. It's gonna look amazing when finished I can't wait to see it!

Waiting in high suspense to see orange!

Thanks Barney, really pleased with the decision to go with the Orange, gonna look wicked.

You're living the dream. Wish I could do you your doing.

More like living the Nightmare :lol: thanks matey, i'm getting there.

I love reading about your build bud, its great the things dreams are made of:clap::clap::clap:
Can't wait to see a picture of her painted
Brill job, you deserve a award in awesomeness for the car forged in your own driveway.

Thanks Mate, really appreciate the awesome feedback i get on this forum.

Non-Orangey update.... sorry in advance :D

I didn't get a chance to do any paint yesterday, but i did manage to finish flattening the final coat of primer on the complete shell / roll cage. I then masked the car up to paint the roof first -


This morning i just panel wiped the roof, tack-ragged it then stuck some gloss black 2K down.
I mixed it up as per the manufacturers recommendation of 50% hardener and 10% thinners.

It seemed to flow out and go on quite well but it had a slight orange peel finish to it as it dried.

I waited about 25-30mins until the first coat had flashed off a bit but still tacky and stuck a second coat on.

The finish isn't very good to be honest, it's gonna need flattening of with 2000 wed & dry then polishing up.

I'm a bit disappointed with the finish but i know where i went wrong -

The mix of paint was obviously a bit thick (too viscous) for the nozzle size (1.2mm) thus the atomised paint droplets weren't flowing back into each other. Also i had the gun on maximum fan which doesn't help as the spread is too great which lets the paint dry as it's being transported through the air before it hits the panel.

I ordered a 1.4mm nozzle set for the gun a couple of days ago which should be here anytime now, and I'm going to wait for that until i do the orange.

Anyways pics -





Gonna leave it a couple of days before i flatten it down to let the paint harden.

Progress anyways.

Hopefully my nozzle will come shortly, or i may just paint some orange but thin it down some more so it flows a bit easier.

Thanks For reading.

tom t

Active Member
Feb 12, 2011
Nice to see that bud. Sure you'll sort the problems you talk about with the paint no probs. What takes body shops so long anyway lol!
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