Front assist-oncoming vehicle braking when turning


Active Member
Apr 2, 2023
Can anyone explain the setting oncoming vehicle braking when turning?

A number of times I have the front assist ping and scare the the life out of me when someone in front turns left and it thinks I'm going to go in the back of the car. I have therefore turned off this setting but it just does not sound right given it says "oncoming" vehicle.

To be honest I do not like the car trying to take over and have already set the lane assist to off (via obd11), but could find nothing in the manual that actually mentions this setting with the specific wording.

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Active Member
Apr 2, 2023
Found the answer, but still not sure exactly what it means

And active up to 9mph so what is the actual point! Surely you should not be on the road if you cannot avoid an oncoming vehicle at 9mph or lower!

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Active Member
May 29, 2015
United Kingdom
The “oncoming vehicle braking when turning” is Turn assist, as mentioned above.

It’s for when you’re sat waiting to turn across traffic on a two way road, hence the active under 9mph.
If an oncoming car is too fast, it will stop you pulling across in front of it.

The beeping when a car turns in front is just the front assist being a bit trigger happy.
I tend to apply the brakes a little when I’m close to a car turning in front and that keeps it quiet.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2023
The “oncoming vehicle braking when turning” is Turn assist, as mentioned above.

It’s for when you’re sat waiting to turn across traffic on a two way road, hence the active under 9mph.
If an oncoming car is too fast, it will stop you pulling across in front of it.

The beeping when a car turns in front is just the front assist being a bit trigger happy.
I tend to apply the brakes a little when I’m close to a car turning in front and that keeps it quiet.
Ahh, makes sense now thanks. Still don't like the thought of it so will keep in the off position.

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Active Member
Oct 31, 2012
Warwick, UK
I've never had Turn Assist falsely trigger when turning, I'd leave it on just for that one time where it might save you...

Front Assist can be trigger happy, good tip about touching the brakes. The 'You're about to hit something when reversing and I'm going to hit the brakes violently" Assist feature I did turn off after it almost broke my neck reversing onto my drive where I have to get very close to the hedge on the passenger side.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2023
I've never had Turn Assist falsely trigger when turning, I'd leave it on just for that one time where it might save you...

Front Assist can be trigger happy, good tip about touching the brakes. The 'You're about to hit something when reversing and I'm going to hit the brakes violently" Assist feature I did turn off after it almost broke my neck reversing onto my drive where I have to get very close to the hedge on the passenger side.
Or that one time it slams on the brakes as your halfway across the road!

I noted in the manual it says: "Front Assist has certain limitations inherent to
the system. Thus, in certain circumstances,
some of the reactions may be inappropriate
from the driver's standpoint. So pay attention
in order to intervene if necessary."

Then goes on to mention "The following conditions may cause theFront Assist not to react or to do so too late"

Reminds me of a show I watched called "Upload" (highly recommend), set in the future where the guy dies in a car crash and they are checking if he had the automated car set to prioritise protecting the driver or the pedestrians.

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Active Member
Oct 14, 2022
With all these driver aids I do wonder whether insurance companies will start looking to see if you had them active in the event of a crash. i.e. won't pay out if you turned one off that may have prevented an accident.
Everything (not much) is turned on in my current car - 2018 Octavia. Not so sure what I'll do when my Cupra arrives...Thoughts?
With all these driver aids I do wonder whether insurance companies will start looking to see if you had them active in the event of a crash. i.e. won't pay out if you turned one off that may have prevented an accident.
Everything (not much) is turned on in my current car - 2018 Octavia. Not so sure what I'll do when my Cupra arrives...Thoughts?
Yes it's likely they will eventually (if not already) investigate whether the systems have been manipulated. For this reason we will not permanently disable any of the ADAS systems regardless
And what happens if the systems cause the accident?

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That's for the insurer/police/manufacturer to decide. The vehicle came to this market with the system enabled - therefore if you disable it its a modification to the safety systems and at a minimum your insurer should be informed. Control modules record times/dates/equipment IDs for changes so it's easy for them to prove it was done during your ownership.

It sounds like either your radar/camera are right on the edge of spitting out their calibration, or you've got software issues that will have been fixed by updates
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