Help...transponder programming again....


Feb 4, 2006
Hi, I have searched everywhere on this forum, but cant find what im after...

Trying to program a new transponder and new key bought from ebay which has now been cut by local key cutter guy....

I tried the thing just now where you turn ignition to 1, then use other key to lock, then unlock and lock whilst holding in unlock button. But nothing...

Thing is my 04 LCR came with two button remote, and my Seat Stealer says I cant program a 3 button remote (on I bought from ebay) as its only for later models?

My mate had an '05 LCR and he had a 3 button remote?

Wondering if anyone can shed some light on this....
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Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
You can have a 3 button remote but the boot release won't do nothing on an MK1. There is no remote boot solenoid.

The transponder is the immobiliser chip and can only be reprogrammed using your/friends VAGCOM software or by a dealer.

The remote part of the central locking fob can be reprogrammed as you have said before using the spare key but you need to look at the instructions in your car owners manual.

PS Not sure you want to be posting your full chassis number on an open forum. I'd edit or remove it.


Feb 4, 2006
You can have a 3 button remote but the boot release won't do nothing on an MK1. There is no remote boot solenoid.

The transponder is the immobiliser chip and can only be reprogrammed using your/friends VAGCOM software or by a dealer.

The remote part of the central locking fob can be reprogrammed as you have said before using the spare key but you need to look at the instructions in your car owners manual.

PS Not sure you want to be posting your full chassis number on an open forum. I'd edit or remove it.

Ah right, I see now...thanks for the tip, quickly removed!!

Erm, cant understand how my mate had an '05 and it had a 3 button which worked, so he says lol!!!
Maybe it had a boot solenoid fitted? :(


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
I'm not sure anyone has had one fitted. The rear badge design for opening is a little more complicated than a standard boot mech. There was a thread about people who wanted to try it but am not sure it was ever done. Unless someone replies differently then I'm pretty sure the 3rd button will do nothing on his car unless he has somehow got it to work for another use.


Formerly "Dave FR PD130"
Jul 1, 2006
i had a 3 button work with my mk4 ibiza, but that was a 56 plate...if i remember rightly to make the buttons work all i did was, spare key in ignition with dash lights on, then close doors and lock using key of new keyfob, and then press the unlock button on the new remote...simple as that, if that didn't work i think i remember reading it might be the wrong keyfob type


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
What did the 3rd button do?, open the boot? not sure any of thje MK1 Leons have ever had this option.


Formerly "Dave FR PD130"
Jul 1, 2006
yer mine opened the boot..and it actually worked lol....i suspect your right, as my leon certainly feels mechanical when you open it.

the ibiza you could hear the solenoid working when you opened the boot
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