These are all I can find in elsa database. I must say it is a crappy system as there are no search engine like in
help files in windows based application. You must manualy find what you want and at which section to look for. I found this under REPAIR MANUAL section. However I was unable to find removing procedure for the headlight.
But with the Google search I found one site where one of the user made its owm manual. As you must be registered to see the pics I forward his post here (hope I didn't brake any of the rules).
Removing Front Bumper (Leon & Toledo) 99-05
(Not applicable to facelift models)
Okay first things first is preparation this would best be done with two people but you can do it alone (I did) but when it comes to popping the bumper off I'd advise putting a blanket or something on the ground to avoid any scratches.
Keep a Tupperware or bucket nearby also to keep all screws and fixings in.
Step 1
Okay, lets crack on... pop open your bonnet and have a look at the diagram below.
If you squeeze the clips at the front (highlighted in orange) and then remove that black plate you will see how the top of the grill is fixed to the bumper and the engine bay.
To detach use a knife or flathead screwdriver and remove the "T" fixings marked in red (there are two parts to each one) when they are removed we'll crack on.
Step 2
Now take a look at the image below.
What we do here is separate the arch cover from the front bumper, if you take a look at the red dots that is roughly where the Torx screws are placed, remove all three of them (the top one is a phillips screw) then do the same on the other side.
You may find jacking up the car and removing a wheel can make it easier, I only took one side off.
The yellow mark in this image... behind the bumper at that spot is where the bumper clips onto the chassis... it is a real pain getting that one out but we will leave that till last.
Step 3
Now the fun part begins, basically the bumper is only held on by the front end screws now and the brackets at the side, if you take a look at the image below.
The first thing we remove in this image is the blanking plates marked in red, they pull off with a little levarage from a knife or flathead screwdriver, when you have removed these you will have to remove the fog light units, these are held on with two Torx screws, when brought forward remove the plug at the rear and move away from the bumper.
After that remove the colour coded blanking plates you see marked in green.
After that its a case of finding where the Torx screws are, I've marked where I think they are in orange dots, you may find more if so remove them.
Step 4
Now we remove the bumper from the car, at this point you should put some padding below the bumper or have a friend at the front ready to catch.
Go to the brackets at the side (marked in yellow further up) and give one side a good tug, there is a slight knack to removing it (if I remember right pull as hard as you can) then repeat at the other side.
Another method you might be interested in here is if you remove a couple more of the arch cover screws and make some more space, you can gain access and remove the full bracket that holds the side parts of the bumper on, it is held with two nuts at each side. Thanks to Craig (csd_19) for that one!
Here is a picture of the bracket - provided by Craig
Now the bumper is not fixed onto anything, give it a pull at the front it will come forward. *Beware of the bonnet release catch* - when removing you can tilt a little and it won't get caught.
If it won't come forward check for any other screws that you may have missed.
That’s basically it! If you thought this was hard god help you when you go to refit!
Refitting is reverse of removal. (Well that’s what the Haynes manuals normally say; shame they didn't do one for us.)
So here you can see two different instructions. Also ELSA instructions are not very accurate as there are not just 4 torx srews at ecah side, but there is also one crosshead (Philips) screw at each side. On the other hand if I look the instructions from Hunter I don't have any srews under plastic grille cover (1 at each side and where fog light is) nad I only have one torx under each bumper moulding. As I said I did remove all the srews I could find but I can't move the bummper a bit.
And one thing that must be in the way is headlight as bummper should be pulled straight ahead in a direction of driving, but If you want to do that it is bounded by a blinker part of the headlight.