JPG Cover conditions


Active Member
Dec 6, 2014
What are the conditions to show JPG cover for mp3 files played from USB/SD card??

Condition 1: JPG must be saved as IDtag of .mp3 file.
Condition 2: max resulotion is 500x500

Even if these two conditions are fulfiled, there are still some files which does not show cover image. Why? Are there any other conditions?
I think, there can be additional condition of max size of the picture, I have a feeling that it will be somewhere around 150-180 Kb, but not sure.

Covers with fulfiled cond. 1&2 and with sizes around 50 Kb shows without problems, then I find one cover with 250 Kb cover which was not showing. Converted it to less than 200Kb, still not shnow.. Any idea??

I am speaking about 5.8" Colored Media System without navi, MY2015.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2013
I always read that the max resolution is 400 x 400, perhaps that is the issue?

I use a piece of software called MP3Tag and it works every time.


Active Member
Dec 6, 2014
I am pretty sure that 500x500 is supported, as it is showing on my radio unit.

I use the same software. :)


Active Member
Dec 6, 2014
I am getting more and more confused by this feature, reading&showing album cover from mp3 tags.

I performed a test as following:
I prepared the same file where I had problems to show cover and corresponding album cover in .jpg format, 500x500 (as this resolution is for sure showing on other files). Then I prepared different sizes of the same picture, from 60Kb to 180Kb, in 10Kb steps. I did not chage resolution, all are still 500x500.
I copied the same mp3 file several times and to each file I implement (with MP3tag editor as usually) different size cover.
Finally I have a set of files with different sizes of used album cover picture, named it with the size of the picture and copied to my SD card.

But, radio did not show any cover, even with picture of 60Kb.. :wtf::cry:

I am sure other mp3 files are showing 500x500 res pictures and with larger implemented album cover.

What a hell is there?!??
How to convince my radio unit to show album cover????
Any idea?

Can it be problem of the "color depth" of the picture?! I am thinking about all inputs which should have an impact, so what else?!???


Full Member
Jul 13, 2004
I've had varied results with 500x500.
I normally resize to 400x400 and make sure the file size is less than 100kb. Not had too many issues, although occasionally one will fail to display (but if you go back to the same track it will be fine).
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