I was playing with vag-com the other night, logging various things to see if I could spot anything unhealthy that might explain my recent big decrease in mpg.
Anyway, what I noticed was the following:
Sat in the car, not moving, at idle. Car stationary throughout.
Watching requested boost vs actual boost in vag-scope.
Very sllloooowwwwwllllly increase revs with accelerator pedal.
Engine revs rise slowly (but steadily) until around 1800rpm; up to this point requested boost and actual boost almost match (as you'd expect).
Then the engine starts to feel slightly uneven.
At approx 1900rpm the revs jump up by 3-400rpm, and the actual boost increases noticeably above requested (about 0.3-0.4 bar higher IIRC). This is without me pressing the accelerator any harder.
Any ideas why this happens ?
It's very repeatable.
Anyway, what I noticed was the following:
Sat in the car, not moving, at idle. Car stationary throughout.
Watching requested boost vs actual boost in vag-scope.
Very sllloooowwwwwllllly increase revs with accelerator pedal.
Engine revs rise slowly (but steadily) until around 1800rpm; up to this point requested boost and actual boost almost match (as you'd expect).
Then the engine starts to feel slightly uneven.
At approx 1900rpm the revs jump up by 3-400rpm, and the actual boost increases noticeably above requested (about 0.3-0.4 bar higher IIRC). This is without me pressing the accelerator any harder.
Any ideas why this happens ?
It's very repeatable.