Screen washer pump?!


Active Member
Jan 10, 2009
When i went to use the screen wash when driving the other day I got nothing. I assumed that I was out of fluid, but actually it was half full. There's no sound from the pump so I assume that has gone. Does anyone know if this is a common issue and am i thinking in the right area? Also, where abouts is the damn thing so I can take a look.


daves ibiza

washer pump will be on the side of washer bottle little black pump i have spare if ur stuck mate;)

and check the plug goes to it if its loose if its got no sound


Active Member
Jan 10, 2009
The plug does seem loose, but i can't see how to take it off. Its quite hard to get to. If i can get it off i could try cleaning the contacts i guess, but so far no joy!

daves ibiza

might have a sur clip around the plug it will come off mate yeah try cleaning the pump
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