ScrewedSkull's 1.4 Ibiza Sport *OLLINGE skip to pg10 28.7.11*


Wheel Connoisseur
Jan 1, 2009
better be worth it charlie, i shall see you at the meet

if not, then i want a carrot cake baked, taa :p

dramatic unveiling musics (told you I could hold out with a secret :bleh:)
After a very wicked meet at the Ace Cafe last night, the cat is somewhat out of the bag with certain members, and so here you are.

i don't think i've got this wheel whoring picture taking down to an art yet, but it does it's job

complete with matching badge and grille surround

full refurb completed by myself, and I'm rather proud of myself,
I never want to do any sanding, ever again.
they were in pretty bad nick, this was the worst one

sanded back, and then chemical metal filler applied

more sanding, etch primer and then some nice UPol powercan primer

I need to get around to doing the rear badge surround soon, and probably get a nice green numberplate surround...My sister tells me I should do the wing mirrors, however I pointed out this would make her look like Shrek, not something I was really going for.


Jun 6, 2010
This is becoming BIG in the DUB scene,

hats off to you for doing it yourself mate, been looking at mine for a while wondering if i could do it.

how long did it take over all??

Nice Bitza
cheers Mazz and tyrer, ^.^ I'm so pleased with them.

If I'de worked solid, I could have done it in about week. I didn't work solid, so it took me about 2weeks from start to finish. It is alot of work. But satisfying at the end of it. And considerably cheaper than having someone else do it for you. I think I probably spent about £50 on materials to do all four. :)


Wheels look great, well done for having the patience to do all that sanding! I like the green grill surround too, have you thought about doing the wing mirrors green?


Proud Seat Owner
Jun 29, 2008
Caldicot, South Wales
nice work.
Green cupra wheels. I didn't expect that.
I've always wanted to go to the ACE Cafe dub meet however I'm in tenerife at the moment so I couldn't go :(

I need my wheels refurbed but I'd have to do one wheel at a time and it could take considerable time!


Nazi Moderator-Bot
Mar 6, 2005
Moved to the DarkSide
Charlie, your wheels look the Mutts nuts :D
when you pulled up behind me last night and i saw the grill edging, I realised that was how you had done the wheels, and as i say, they look bloody good!

good to see you down there last night, and look forwards to mid/late sept for some cookies ;)
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^.^ thank you everyone - and I do like to surprise people, I was pleased I didn't see any other green cupra wheels at the ACE Cafe last night, although there are growing numbers of bright colours - wooo! :p

Jo - i mentioned my sister had suggested wing mirrors....i think it might take it a little too far - Shrek ears, springs to mind :bleh:

next is definately the rear badge getting colour coded, need to wait for some reasonable weather so I'm not left with a rain-prone hole in the boot whilst the paint dries. And probably a rear numberplate surround - I'm also rather tempted by some pressed plates too..

and yes yes I'll be back in Coventry with some home baking soon :D


Crazy Fool!
Apr 30, 2005
At home
Certainly different, still can't make my mind up if I like it or not though, it's like it's missing something to set it off..................bigger brakes and painted calipers perhaps?????? either way fair play to you for doing something different and taking the time to refurb your own wheels :clap:
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