Seat reverse camer badge


Active Member
Nov 11, 2013
How many people have this badge mod?

Ok so just discovered that the servo is causing the interference. If i connect the loom but leave servo unplugged everything is fine. When i plug servo in lines come back. Since installation the servo has always buzzed as if fighting against the spring, it is when it buzzes I get the lines. I have confirmed this by unclipping the cable so there is no tension on the servo arm and it moves into position and there is no buzzing and no lines.

Not sure if this means the servo is faulty (unlikely) or how I can get round this if not.

Obviously there has to be tension on the arm due to the badge spring design, and without tension the spring wouldn't be able to pull the servo/badge back to closed position when reverse deselected.

I am losing the will to live with this car. Any ideas or better still experiences?


Active Member
Oct 21, 2012
Another option is to use a mk4 golf petrol flap solenoid which shouldn't cause any interference


Active Member
Nov 11, 2013
Ok spent all day trying to get things working. In doing so I managed to figure out that the interference was through the earth cable so I have now removed the camera earth from original loom and connected it elsewhere. The Interference is now gone. Shame I didn't discover this before I ran all the other cables as I might have been able to save myself the hassle.

So to anyone doing this keep the camera loom seperate.

Still need to do some fiddling as im not sure the servo is operating correctly.

I have it set to minimum and positioned the arm so that The start position is at the beginning of the servos rotation. This should mean that when i turn the dial the rotation should be greater.

However on the minimum setting the badge already opens fully. I need to test it without the cable attached to see if its right or if the servo is trying to pull it too far meaning it will burn out and probably damage something.
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Feb 2, 2003
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When I did this I too noticed interference from the servo, so I used cable and a petrol flap solenoid. Interference gone. Also a lot easier to set up too.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2013
When I did this I too noticed interference from the servo, so I used cable and a petrol flap solenoid. Interference gone. Also a lot easier to set up too.
Will look into this just in case. Any chance you have any pics or instructions on exactly how you did it and with what parts.

I would be very grateful and im sure many others would be interested to see it.
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2013
Still need to do some fiddling as im not sure the servo is operating correctly.

I have it set to minimum and positioned the arm so that the start position is at the beginning of the servos rotation. This should mean that when i turn the dial the rotation should be greater.

However on the minimum setting the badge already opens fully. I need to test it without the cable attached to see if its right or if the servo is trying to pull it too far meaning it will burn out and probably damage something.

Added to the above during installation i have noticed that the servo/tester behaves very strangely at times. This is a video of the behaviour, it only does this when the cable is not attached I.e the servo is not under load.

When the cable is attached/there is a load on the servo it seems to work ok, unless you knock the badge handle/servo arm whilst the servo is powered and held in which case it will go crazy and probably do a full rotation. It snapped my first servo like this.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2013
Worried that the above will cause issues/damage to the car should it malfunction, I have spent some time today with my friend who is an electronic engineer trying to find the problem. At first he thought the servo was damaged and causing the problem however I believed it was the tester as it seems to keep resetting indicated by the lights.

After testing things with all his scopes etc he noticed that there was an issue with the power supplied through the 5v regulator.

I am rubbish with electrics so I will do my best to try and provide his explanation. Basically he said when the servo was operating it was demanding a lot of power in short bursts so the 5v regulator could not cope with the demand and shuts down. This caused the servo tester to reset. Due to this it kept rebooting and the servo struggled to find its specified position, this cycle would then repeat which made the servo do all sorts of things.

As a result of this he soldered an electrolytic capacitor across the 5v supply and the 0v to the tester. The capacitor stabilised the 5v supply meaning that the servo tester can now operate correctly.


Due to this the servo now behaves exactly as it should and moves quickly and easily to any position set by the dial. It also holds the position strongly so whereas before it would malfunction when knocked you can now press against it and it won't budge.

I know this is probably very confusing to anyone like me who has no understanding of electronics, however I hate it when people post problems online but never bother to update the solution when they find it.

Hopefully this will help someone if they chose to do it the way I have. With a bit of luck Jake will provide details and photos of how to do it with the fuel flap solenoid as I would still like to know this in case I ever want to change it; plus it sounds a lot less hassle and more reliable.
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2013
I've still got my old tailgate. I'll try to remember to snap some pics tomorrow
That would be brilliant Jake. I'm not sure how long mine will last so will consider your option. It would be nice to see how and where you mounted it etc. Also if you have an instructions where you ran cables. I.e through relay from fuse box or just tapped off reverse light etc.


Active Member
Jun 11, 2015
Hi, can help me? I'm italian, try speak english!

The rod connectors: where are used?

Why use the tension reducer? And where it's connect of reductor of tension? It's connect to revers light?

With this system you can also open the luggage, raising all the handle with hand , and the actuator moves the arm?
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Mar 19, 2023
Hi everyone, after some research at the internet i found in this forum (i'm new here and sorry for my bad english) i want to make a flip badge camera to my leon mk2. At my previous golf 5 had made did and its cool stuf and never get dirty. I found the mechanisme of vw flip logo. Coud someone can tell me if is possible to adapt it to the seat logo? Thank you. Here is the link of the mechanisme. Thank you.

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