Short keyfob battery life?


Does anyone have a problem with short keyfob battery life. I have had the cupra for 10 months now and have had to replace the CR2032 battery five times since.

I read in a post sometime ago by flapper ,I think, that it was possible to fit two cr2016 into the same keyfob using a CR2032. Has anyone else tried this. If so how did you do it, i.e. run the batteries in parallel.

This is really starting to get on my nerves. If there is no solution for a retrofit. Does anyone know if it is possible to get a new key that uses the cr2016's instead. Car is still under warranty, do you think this would be a warranty issue.

Any constructive suggestions would be appreciated.


Uber pimp meister
Aug 1, 2001
Mine seems to work when it feels like it. Started playing up just after a year old... Its now 18 months old and gettign worse as it goes on. Seems to stop working for a couple of days and then starts again for no apparent reason.. Bizzare:(


I'll ask the missus how her batteries are doing.

I'm sure she swears by Duracell. ;)


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May 9, 2002
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my remote takes 2 cr2016 batteries which are also 3v & they do run in parellel but I'm not sure if it's a simple case of just swapping them as the total voltage will be different
If any ones looking for a good supplier for these batteries I get them from the last time I got some they were £1.35 for 2 panasonic lithiums, much better than £2.99 each at halfords!


The remote locking was starting to get hit and miss on mine just before the car went - 9 months. Mind, at least it worked. The Focus we've got is due an 3rd replacement unit in the car, as the R locking has packed up again...:(


7dayshop charge £1.95 PP or they did. It's so long since I last used them it may of changed. Totally brilliant prices, but crap service and delivery (5 months for some 120 Fuji film EVERY Jessops store has loads of...).:(


My third battery has just chucked it, so that makes it a new battery every 5 months - perhaps there is a problem. Previously I have used Panasonic batteries I think I will try an alternative brand this time.


no more than 10 days

You're lucky then Toledo. I've got over 50 students who until last Summer, regularly ordered from them, but now few of them bother as the stuff just doesn't arrive. Even "mickey mouse" 35mm film that you can buy in supermarkets takes ages...

One emailed me last week to tell me about the bag he ordered 4 months ago - now out of stock. They sent him a credit note for £0:00!:D

As a Department, we used to do about £7000 a year with them, now we do zilch... :(


Full Member
May 9, 2002
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Re: no more than 10 days

Originally posted by Toonman
You're lucky then Toledo. I've got over 50 students who until last Summer, regularly ordered from them

sorry to here that, I've only started using them in the last 9 months & made 4 orders each about £40-50 with no problems maybe they are getting better but that's no consulation if you have had poblems, I only use them because they are a third of the price of the high street, I might think again now if I have a big order I don't like to hear of companies messing people about:(


I am sort of glad that most of you have pretty short life spans....battery life of course. I too get intermittant failures which leads me to believe that maybe something is shorting in the keyfob and killing the battery?

Question: How much longer do two cr2016 batteries last compared to one cr2032.


might think again

Hey no, if it's working for you, then stick with them. I'm seriously glad it is, 'cos their prices are great! :)

Take care



Full Member
Jan 12, 2002
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doesnt it say some thing in the manual about the keyfob becoming out of sequence with the car(by pressing the buttons when well out of range) and using the key manually twice to restore it ?
perhaps you're just assuming the batteries are dead.
i usally take fob to a watchmaker and he tests batteries first
(most wouldn't ,I Guess) then replaces them only if they're dead or dying
just a thought...
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