Stop / Start wear


Active Member
Sep 24, 2008
Not trying to start WW3 here, I've read all the opinions regarding using stop / start systems (and disabled it on my MK3 Cupra 280), but has anyone actually seen or heard firsthand, about someone wearing out the startermotor or big-end mainbearings on an engine designed for start / stop?
I'm not talking about the obvious issue of using it after pummeling the turbo hard, then having the stagnant oil fuse with the turbos bearings, but just the ordinary bobbing about town at red lights etc that we probably spend 90% of our time on, where the turbo is nice and cool.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2008
That's what i thought. Does save immense amounts of fuel round town!
With current pricing for V-Power, it might even be a good deal even if I have to replace the starter every second year or so.... :p
I still don't quite understand why they don't disable it temporarely, when the turbo is red hot. Even with oiltemp well into 110c it'll happily engage stop / start....


Active Member
Mar 21, 2015
I disable it when going for a spirited drive.

Also when in queuing traffic when I move a foot or so every 5 seconds I usually disable it because I end up stalling more often than not as I lift the clutch too quicker than it restarts. I read somewhere if your stationary for more than 5 seconds then you save the amount of fuel needed to restart the engine anyway. Point is they're designed to do this so should wear, certainly not within any warranted period anyway.
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