Sub/Amp Install


Naturally Aspirated
Jan 20, 2007
South Yorkshire
Wanting to transplant my ice from my old car to my new ibiza
however i wanna keep the standard hedunit
its the Alana MP3 one (not sure if it has a model number)
its a 05 ibiza FR TDI (with steeringwheel controls)

this doesnot have any pre-outs tho, so i have searched on here so please dont say SEARCH

BUT... if i got this:

would it work my my H/U as it says its its for blaupunt and philips

any help please


Sub connection to headunit

Hey OCTANE! that adapter you bought did it just plug into the top left section in the back of your ALANA head unit, only filling a 1/3 the slot? If so did u then just have to plug in the outputs from the amp, straight in to the adapter?

If that doesn’t make any sense I apologise. I’m in a bit of a predicament as I want to connect my sub without having to by a new head unit and I’m not sure which adapters I should be looking for.

Any reply would be appreciated :)


The adapter OCTANE mentioned works perfectly! Just plug it into the back of the ALANA headunit and attach the wiring kit!

Jacky B

This might be a daft question, but when you plug in the adapter, does it over ride the other speaker outputs or does sound still come out of the other speakers.
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