The Final Straw - windows completely soaked on inside


You said quote"What your saying is quite worrying.
Since the reapir, ive not looked at the door to see whats changed, ill have a look when im next in the car.
Would the technical fix book not warn the mechanic of the possible future problems associated with this fix? Much like a medicine warns of side-effects.
Id have thought the door internals were designed with some water proofing. When you lower the window and its wet, the most of the water seams to stay on the window and go into the door anyway.
Is all thats protecting the door's electrical and mechanical things just that top seal against the glass?
Also, is there no drain hole or anything like that to allow condensed water to drip out the bottom of the door?"unquote

I think you are right, the door internals were designed with some waterproofing - of which the top seal was part. My concern is / has been (this my 2nd Leon2 with wet windows), that I'm sure "as desgned" the waterproofing inside the door did not take account of 2-3 inch section of the seal being carved away. This section by the way is directly above the speaker and, from memory - a loom which feeds windows /locks etc.
On top of that - yes the doors do have drain holes, but check the amount of water that flows out of them when you open a door after a good soaking (rain or car wash). Was the internal wax rust proofing meant to deal with standing water inside the door?

The above is all, only my opinion, but I have chased this with Seat, and taken several shots myself. The TP mentioned does get round the wets on the internal glass, but.......:shrug:
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