Worryingly iffy brakes


Active Member
Oct 18, 2015
Hello peeps!

Coming home down the lanes, i chucked the car into a left hand bend last night, and as I came out the other side I got a warning buzzer and the amber ABS and 'exclamation mark in a triangle with a round arrow around it' and red brake dash warning lights all came on. I stopped up the road and switched the ignition off and on. A force of habit at home with the computer...
All lights went off and I continued on my way home.

This morning, I drove to work and after about two hundred yards, after braking for only the second time, the brake pedal went 90% solid with what felt like severe ABS pulsing through the brake pedal and virtually no brakes.

What a way to 'concentrate' the mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I let off and braked again and scrubbed off enough speed to make the turn.
Fortunately it was just me on the road at the time. If there had been a car in front turning right, I'd have parked on it's back seat!
Again all three warning lights were illuminated on the dash.
I pulled over a little way up the road and tried the 'reboot' again. All was well. Until I stopped for the next junction, when I got the Christmas tree lights on again, but better brakes. So I rebooted again. This time, when I drove off and changed gear, I noticed the revs were going up and down. Wavering between about 1500 and 2500rpm.

Again I stopped a bit up the road and checked the brake fluid level. It was fine.
That's all I could do armed only with a pen and a locking wheel nut, I then carried on to work with no further mishaps, other than three lights on the dash!

Tonight, on the way home, I called in at a mate's garage and he put his code reader on it.

I got two codes:

00267 ABS outlet valve front right
No symptom

00597 Difference between revolution sensors
No symptom

What do they mean? A new ABS block/sensor?

On the way home, the buzzer and lights would return, but now the brake warning light flashes on and off continually. The hard pedal hasn't returned, but the wavering revs did a couple of times.

I have had some history with the brakes since I bought the car in November last year.

I bought it after the previous owner had hit a SERIOUS pot hole, which took out two tyres, a rim and popped the driver's seat airbag.
That's all been sorted, as has the osf hub which had a couple of cross threaded wheel bolt threads.

If constant pressure was held on the brake pedal it slowly sank to the floor. So, while changing the hub, we put a new master cylinder on too and as the caliper was sticking, we threw a new one of those on it too. The brake fluid was black, so that was flushed through and changed.

In the three weeks since this was done, I've been occasionally getting binding brakes. I thought it was just the osf, as it's wheel was much warmer than the nsf but last Monday night, I had to pull over as over a couple of miles I'd watched my average mpg drop from 41 down to 35 while driving at a steady 40/45 mph in sixth gear.
When I pulled over, the brake pedal felt firmer than normal, almost like it was holding pressure? (This happened once before, last week)
This time it turned out to be both the osf AND the nsr brakes, with the rear brake smelly and very hot, almost scorchio!

If me chucking it into a left hander has somehow upset the osf ABS sensor, which is new, that might account for the two fault codes.
Not sure why the revs would be going up and down...
I don't know if the nsr caliper is buggered and needs replacing, or could the flexible brake pipe need replacing? Can they break down inside and restrict the fluid return?

My mechanic mate is booked up until next week some time, and I'm not sitting on the drive in the rain stripping brakes, so i'll be using the Disco until this is sorted.

Anybody care to comment ? Laugh? I'm easy :)

It's not standard, as it's got a decat down pipe on it and judging by the way I was neck and neck with a Focus 170 last month, me only having to give way due to my lane disappearing, I'm guessing it's already around the 170bhp mark. I had thought it was more as I was getting wheelspin in first, second AND third.
Since getting the tracking done and a couple of new budget tyres on the font, I'm only getting spin in first and second now.
Apparently, the one corner was 6 point something out...

I'm hoping i'll be able to average more than 42mpg on the tank once I have all FOUR wheels freewheeling and pointing in the same direction...

cheshire cat

Full Member
Dec 28, 2002
Visit site
I guess you need vag com to get a better idea on the abs re scorchio it could be a collapsing flexible pipe re the wheel spin get 2 descent tyres and a lighter right foot


Active Member
Oct 18, 2015
Cheers Cheshire Cat for your contribution.
Not sure what Ian plugged in with, but he has his own garage, so I'm sure it was 'pucka' of some sort...
I think i'll look at stainless covered flexis all round in case that may be affecting the osf as well.
Re the wheelspin, having the tracking checked helped. One corner was 5 or 6 point something out and I had two of Mr Tyre's finest mid range elastic bands put on, the combination of both has reduced spinnings from three gears to two. (I do recommend Mr Tyre of Lakeside, Redditch. Good prices and helpful)
I'm afraid there isn't much I can do about the right foot although I am getting to be a bit anal re mpg and tend to drive on average mpg all of the time with only seldom bouts of craziness where my foot tends to get buried into the axminster...


Team Creatine
Jul 19, 2009
Cheadle, Cheshire
Sounds like ABS sensor shenanigans to me, but again, I'd be off googling for more detail on those codes. Obviously checking your flexi hoses is certainly a wise step to take.


Active Member
Oct 18, 2015
Issues were finally fixed this week.
After a new caliper, a new hub, then a master cylinder, then another master cylinder, then ordering an ABS sensor and when about to fit it deciding the one on the car was brand new didn't fit it, then sending the ABS ECU off for a test and (hopefully) repair. It came back with no fault found, somebody suggested recording some live data...
We then discovered that the osf was reading a couple of mph slower than the other three wheels. The diff got bigger the faster you went.
So, we put a second brand new hub on, and it cured the problem!
It seems that the original hub that came from Euro Car Parts was either the wrong one or was duff!
It's now back on the road since before Christmas. Hopefully i'll get some decent mpg now, something that my old Discovery doesn't seem to do...
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