TDi Sport + Cupra Bumpers - Clean and Shiny

Space Coyote

Full Member
May 12, 2003
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Just finished washing, waxing and glossing my TDi Sport and I thought I'd post some pictures cos I've never done that before.

I've been waiting to do this for ages, but there didn't seem to be any point until I'd fitted my Cupra bumpers. Unfortunately, they were purchased as FR bumpers and it was only until they were fitted that I realised they'd come off a Cupra - need to fit the headlamp washers to cover the holes Oh well.

I do enjoy the finished result, although it is depressing how many stone chips I've picked up along the 22,000 miles I've done. I think it might be time for a visit from Mr Chips Away.

Anyway, love to hear your comments.



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