Can't see MPG improving with mileage.


Active Member
I now have 2000 miles on the clock of my 1.6 TDI CR and the fuel consuption on a long run is 52 mpg despite getting 70mpg on a similar run when i first picked the car up?

My car is in the garage today with a creaking noise comming from the front when pulling away, as a courtesy car i have a Leon 1.9 TDI PD stylance with 3000 miles on the clock, this car is supposed to get only 56 mpg on the combined cycle. However i find it much easier to get way better MPG out of this car than my newer supposedly 65 mpg combined cycle 1.6 TDI CR.

E.g. 20 mile journey mixed with 60, 40 & 30 mph 1.6 TDI CR 52 mpg
exactly the same journey in the 1.9 TDI 57 mpg despite 9 mpg less on the combined cycle test.

I think i am going to have to admit that the older PD engines are much noisier, less smooth but a lot more economical than the 1.6 TDI CR engines. Also depsite the Leon having exactly the same torque and power and weighing 400 kgs more, it feels more nippy than the 1.6 does.

Rant over.


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Oct 6, 2003
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I have to say my 1.6 CR TDI is doing considerably better than yours. I am still on my first tank of diesel and I am consciously being quite hard on mine, as instructed to by the dealer but so far mine has returned an overall average of 56mpg. On a 25 mile run of mixed driving (urban and country roads) it returned 65mpg.

It makes you wonder how two identical cars can perform so differently :think:


Active Member
Jul 14, 2009
i have covered 11500 miles and mine very rarely breaks into the 50's on 25 mile runs. It only just starts to get into the 50's when i get there, and can take ages to get out of the early 40's. Not what i expected from the 1.6tdi


Full Member
Mar 18, 2005
Quite odd that some people are getting such poor economy.

Mine rarely returns less than 50MPG. In the quiet half term traffic last week I got 62MPG on my 11 mile work commute.
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