Anyone tried these DV's?

Cupra Ross

Breaks things............
May 15, 2005
Edinburgh, Scotland
Look like exact replica's. I would still recommend Forge though. Go for tried & tested mate. Other option is Forge 006, should have higher flow rate than Forge 007

I agree.

I had an eBay cheapie fitted to a previous Leon............ for about a week. It was constantly sticking open making it dangerous to pull away from junctions. The manufacturing tolerances on that valve (same as black one) were not in the same class as Forge/Turbosmart/HKS ETC.

I'd go for the Forge, even at twice the price.

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Active Member
Oct 22, 2014
Lol I got new 710's for my S4 but was just wondering what people thought of these

I've gone for the 710p
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