Bodywork scratches.


Sep 7, 2007
Hey peeps,

I have come to notice something rather unsightly on my car. Its 3 year old, just bought from a dealer 2 and a half week ago. As you do, i cleaned it last week but the weather was abit dull so no nice shine on it in the sun ( as there was no sun ). I came to clean it saturday, autoglymed, clean wheels, and buffed the car with my overly large chammy. It was parked nicely in the sun wen i came to notice light circular scratch marks on the paint work. It looks like whoever had it before me didn't know how to clean a car properly and used an abbrasive cloth wen buffing or polishing. i does look quite unsightly wen in the sun was the paint work looks very strange and not a perfect shine, i.e the sun bouncing off it with that sparkle. No it looks like ripples on the paintwork where the sun shines onto the black but then brings up all the light scratches aswell.

Please could someone advise on this of what i can do, as they have autoglymed the car and put paint protection on it for u can probably guess im quite upset about this as i want it looking perfect. I dont polish the car as the autoglym is on there as they sed i dont need to.

Thanks for your help guys!
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2006
Wud t-cut not sort this?

i would seriously avoid t-cut!!! if you want to try removing it yourself you could try megs scratch x or chemical guys spiderweb but ur gonna need to be willing to put a lot of work in and if its really bad your best bet might be just to save for machine polishing.the detailing forum might be a better place to post for advice on polishing it out.


Sep 7, 2007
Im willing to go to a shop to get it done but any prices that we could be looking at here?

I dont like t-cut as it just never comes off the damn paintwork


Sep 7, 2007
Sorted! contacted a high quality air brusher in huddersfield. Sed he wud do this for me at £60.00

Also gunna giv me a quote to do this an remove all my damn stone chips.......( one reason y black cars annoy me ) will keep you posted on the amount.

Seen some of the guys work ( normally does motorcycle helmets and chopper body work ) so shud b a dream wen shes touched up!


Still hanging around
Oct 16, 2002
Guys why post this in the Mk4 Ibiza specific forum, when there's a "Car care and Detailing" forum just for this kind of subject :doh:

Also, how about trying to write in English ?
Sed he wud do this for me
shud b a dream wen
Come on, surely you can do better than this, so everyone else (including our foreign friends) can read your posts more easily !

Sorry, rant over :)


Orange Wheels FTW!!
Oct 25, 2006
i have the same problem that you have. i have got a mk4 ibiza cupra in black, and have got light swirl marks on my car from cleaning. but i have owned the car since new, and have never used a shamy leather to dry it, have got a microfibre towel, i use the 2 bucket method with a wash mitt, and the car always gets polished after washing using Autoglym super resin polish and a applicator pad and removed using a polish removal cloth. the car comes up spotless everytime, but when in the sun you can notice the swirls...only if you really look, wouldnt notice strolling past the car though. does annoy me as i spend the time and effort (and money) on using proper stuff and it still doesnt stop it from swirling.

i have also got a lovely scratch on my drivers side 3/4 panel that some lovely person left me 4 days after i got the car!! :censored: going to enquire about getting this removed soon as i get paid on friday :funk: and try and get all the stone chips removed aswell on the front as they stand out more than a paedo in a primary school playground! :whistle:


Sep 7, 2007
I can stand at the bottom of my hill, about 30 metres away from the car and still see them. they are horrid.

Deleted member 19188

I have recently had a quote for a detailer to remove swirls from my car and it would be in the region of £350 . . .

(I don't actually have any swirls, I was just curious as to how much this procedure would cost!)


Active Member
May 15, 2007
LOL - detailing isnt that costly I know a northern pro who averages 150 a detail. You can attempt it yourself though but any scratch that you can feel with ur finger nail aint polishing out.

Give me a pm if you want further details.



Active Member
May 15, 2007
You can get swirls out of paint work by banh but by god its back breaking work.

As mentioned you will first need to properly clean you paint - so thats a rinse and a good soap (Msxi Suds II is what i use) then a good a claying. Then another wash. With your paint work prep'd you need to either polish or compund those scratches out. A polish with alot of fillers will fill the scratches but you'll need to apply several layers, alternatively you can use a compund (cutter if you like) like SSR 1, 2 and 3 depending on the damage.

Once those scracthes are gone and you paint work ispolished time to seal it - I love Jetseal 109 but prefers is your. Finally a high quality wax to protect all that hard work - again this is personal preferance but i use Natty Blue paste wax as my car is balck - but as winter draws in alot of details start using colinite which is very very long lasting in harsh weather but not as fancy if you know what i mean.

May i also suggest that you use the 2 bucket wash method to reduce the chances of you puttin swirls in to your paint whilst washing (if you dont already ofc). a very very good website with more information on the things i have just very briefly covered.

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