Insurance and factory fitted extras


Full Member
May 15, 2002
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I was just wondering if anyone with factory fitted extras like Xenons, Reverse parking sensors, mentioned them when getting insured?

When I bought mine I mentioned them to the person on the phone but I'm pretty sure the call centre wasn't in the UK and the operator didn't seem to know what a Xenon was! At the beginning she was saying they couldn't cover me because they don't cover modified cars for under 25's. Eventually after talking to her boss it went through, I mentioned everything to her and on the policy there was some notes listed but they are listed as modifications, is that right?

What did other people get from their insurers about this?



Dark Lord of the Torque
Sep 11, 2006
In front of a PC....
I was told to declare everything. If you don't, you could void your insurance and then end up breaking the law by driving without insurance.
If you mention it to your Insurer then they can say whether you need to have them put on the insurance or not. Not much help but its best to check (try to get hold of someone UK based if possible)


Full Member
Jul 26, 2005
The cheapest insurance for us (after coming from a lease car with only one year no claims) was Seat themselves so we didn't have this problem.

I wouldn't say that factory fitted options are "modifications" though. That's asking for a high premium.


Moddin' Noob
May 15, 2006
Nowhere Important
Working for an insurance company ive got a little tip.

Everyone should know that every call you make to your company will be recorded, you may think this is to catch you out but it also works in your own favour to.

When it comes to mods, listen to the question you are asked about your car.

If the agent says "Does your car have any modifications outwith the maufacturers specification" and you have factory fitted Xenons, parking sensors, Alloy wheels etc, you can safely say NO.

Why? Because these 'extras' are part of the maufacturers specification.


If they ask "Does your have any modifications outwith the manufacturers original specification?" then you would have to disclose every change outwith the cars original spec.

That one word makes all the difference.

And say if you had a claim where your company was disputing your Xenons, Sensor, Alloys. If they hadn't said that one word 'Original' then you have the call recording to get you safely through.



Active Member
Sep 27, 2006
initially i was gonna get charged an extra £50 for delocking my car!!!!!! managed to convince them this was protecting the car and not the other way. took 3 phone calls to convince them. had to pay an additional £50 for the alloys (audi rs4) though.


Full Member
May 15, 2002
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Thanks for your help, I'll give them another call and see if I can sort it out. I just had my renewal notice and it was more expensive than I was expecting!


I bought my car from Jennings in Middlesbrough, they fully fitted everything, kit, wheels full custom ICE and also Insured it with SEAT insurance. Because the car is brand new and you have had all the accessories etc fitted to it, you dont have to declare the extras (becuase they were fitted by manufacturer) and it hasnt changed since it was regsitered. My insurance company are aware of the alloys and full bodykit but havent charged me a penny more!
May 13, 2007
hi yes i have had had loads of problems with my insurance i have a leon tdi bttc with aerokit parking sensors alloys etc this was produced by seat i insured with hastings direct and declared that this was factory kit fitted at the seat factory not afterfit had a small ding and claimed only to be met with a cancelled policy or £93.00 extra plus tons of aggro has taken 3 months to sort i even got a letter from seat to confirm this but still claased as extras please beware of this as insurers differ thanks chris


Basically Insurance companies take a gamble that you'll not claim, when you do they find any excuse to NOT payout.
Come the revolution they'll be stood next to estate agents, solicitors and car salesmen


Trainee Northener
May 24, 2003
You could always ask for a copy of the recording fron the insurance company to check what you said. It normally costs about £5.
Adrian Flux sent me a letter once to say that my insurance wasn't valid for some reason and they were canceling it. They were refunding me minus a large administration fee. When the recording was listened to, they found I had said the car would be used as a delivery car. Which apparently they don't cover for, so I got a full refund.
Definately works both ways!
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