Introducing Sooty II.. My New Car (with the essential poncy pictures)


Editing your spelling
driveforward said:
Well, before Sooty I I was looking for one of these, and tbh, it's better built, more comfortable, got a bigger boot and nowadays more individual. Plus I prefer this older shade of yellow. Buying this will leave me with a heap of cash for modding and other stuff (Apple G5 on it's way... ;) ) as I was budgeing for a 15K car.

TBH I was struggling to find a car that I truelly wanted, whereas this came up, and tugged on my heart-strings :rolleyes:

ahh ok, fair enough then. at least u can be a 'proper' member of the scnssc again now :p welcome back ;)


Dropping Cogs is Useless
Aug 24, 2002
Roma, Italia
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