Mirrors Not Folding


Full Member
Nov 9, 2004
Went to Willoughbys to pick my new mirror covers up today. Darren said he'd fit them - were we surprised when the mirrors wouldn't fold - totally seized [:@] I've sprayed WD40 where I can get it, but it's not looking hopeful. Anybody got any thoughts on this? I've spoken to Seat UK regarding a "Good will" repair as my warranty expired beginning of Nov and clearly the corrosion if it is this didn't happen in the past 4 weeks.


Full Member
Nov 9, 2004
dmjw01 said:
Are yours the automatic folding mirrors or the normal ones that fold manually?

I would assume manual as they've never automatically folded in the 18mths I've owned her and there's no indication on the mirror switch. In all honesty I'm fuming, as mentioned, my warranty ran out 4 weeks ago and I've never folded the mirrors or attmpted to in the past - I wish I had now.
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