Oil...What to use in your TDI


Active Member
Aug 2, 2009
Hi Oilman,

I have a pd130 ibiza 2002 no DPF. About 110k on the clock and have a schedule to change oil every 15,000km. Would middle of the road oil would you recommend?


Rail Zip User
Jul 14, 2011
PD engines are better on low ash oil meeting 507 standard now such as longlife 3 etc.
Dealers either use castrol, fucus or shell direct from vw.


Active Member
Aug 2, 2009
I think up to know only 505.1 has been used by vag indie. I used 507 (mobil 1 esp 5w30) on my passat tdi 130 but horrendously expensive....

So 507 is best for my ibiza tdi 130? where is the best place to buy online?


Active Member
Apr 24, 2011
Bonnie Scotland
Hi guys, any chance of some advice on the oil spec I need for my car please? It's a 2007 Altea 1.9TDi 105bhp. Not sure whether it has a DPF and that seems to be the question which all websites ask when I try to find the correct oil for it. Should I be looking for 505.01 or 507 spec?

Also, I need to replace my gearbox oil to try and eliminate the crunching, what should I be looking for there?

Thanks, Stephen


Active Member
Sep 28, 2009
Hi Tim,

Time for my Oil Change again. Been looking at a few oils on the Opie oils website as I had one small issue with the Oil I used last year. I used the Quantum Synta 10 40 oil (semi synthetic of course). The issue I had was that in the cold it would take a fraction longer for the engine to start in addition to the engine taking a considerable time longer to heat up (based on the temp guage moving to the optimum level). The previous oil to that must have been a synthetic oil but was put in by a garage following a full head gasket repair. The engine would heat heat up quickly (temp guage level) and would fire as soon as I turned the key even in the coldest of days in winter. So I have decided to look at Synthetic Oils but stuck on which one to use for my car.

The car is a 2001 non PD Seat Toledo TDI with 116000 miles.

The obvious oil I looked at was the manufacturer recommended Quantum Platinum. However, I noticed that this covers the PD spec of 505.01 rather than the non PD spec of 505.00 which would be what mine would use. Just need to confirm this.

I have looked in many threads/posts from Opie oils for suitable oils and it's seems your recommendations come down to either the Fuchs or Motul oils. So I have highlighted the Fuchs Titan Supersyn 5-40w or the Motul x-cess 8100 5-40w which from looking on your website covers the VW 505.00 spec for my car. Although the Fuchs does not say whether it is suitable for Petrol or Diesels (can you confirm if it's OK for Diesel since the Quantum Platinum is specifically for Diesels as per the bottle)

Would you say the both the Fuchs and Motul Oils are as good or even better than the Quantum?

The last oil change was done in December of last year. Although, I have only covered less than 3000 miles in this time. Could you also let me know whether I would have to top up more frequently using a synthetic oil compared to a semi synthetic oil?

Apologies for the long winded post, just wanted to ensure I covered everything so you are able to give me an informed repsonse.

Your help and advice will be greatly appreciated.


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Just like all manufacturer oils, the Quantum is the basic option for VW cars. The Fuchs Supersyn and Motul X-Cess are an upgrade over the Quantum, both will give better cold start protection and have a good additive package that exceeds the minimum specified by VW (which is all the Quantum will have). You could also consider the Fuchs GT1 XTL which is a step up from the supersyn and X-Cess and only a couple of pounds more at the moment.

Both of those oils are suitable for your engine (all oils can be used in petrol and diesel engines). VW specs are backwards compatible, so PD and DPF spec oils can be used in non PD engines.

They shouldn't require more topping up than the Quantum.




Active Member
Sep 28, 2009

Just like all manufacturer oils, the Quantum is the basic option for VW cars. The Fuchs Supersyn and Motul X-Cess are an upgrade over the Quantum, both will give better cold start protection and have a good additive package that exceeds the minimum specified by VW (which is all the Quantum will have). You could also consider the Fuchs GT1 XTL which is a step up from the supersyn and X-Cess and only a couple of pounds more at the moment.

Both of those oils are suitable for your engine (all oils can be used in petrol and diesel engines). VW specs are backwards compatible, so PD and DPF spec oils can be used in non PD engines.

They shouldn't require more topping up than the Quantum.


Hi Tim,

Many thanks for the detailed feedback. Looks like it's a toss up between the three oils you have mentioned. We'll definitely be using yourselves.

I also have question about some oil for the wife's car. It's a 1997 Proton Compact Petrol. Not looking to spend the earth for an oil change on this car since it only does 2000-3000 miles a year (if that) and it's been running a semi synthetic 10-40w (own brand wilko's). I have noticed that the Fuchs Titan XTR which is a semi synthetic oil. Would this be suitable for this car?

Thanks Again


Active Member
Sep 28, 2009
Sorry Tim, one final question, I have also noticed the Mobil 3000 XI which is currently on special offer. How does this compare to the other 3 oils you mentioned earlier. Thanks
Oct 17, 2006
Just bought 4L 10w-40 castrol gtx from asda for £10 and some for the 1L micra as they both need doing

Plz don't tell me it's the worst oil out there :)


Active Member
May 11, 2011
Just bought 4L 10w-40 castrol gtx from asda for £10 and some for the 1L micra as they both need doing

Plz don't tell me it's the worst oil out there :)

great for the 1L micra but not for your Tdi as it is semi synthetic. as you need 5/30 or 5/40 fully synth.

Slicker 1

Hi Folks,
A newbie here...

I have just acquired a:-
2004 Leon 110Tdi SX
ASV engine
Standard Spec car done 51000miles.

Can you tell me please which spec oil I should be putting in this?
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