Seat Leon at Silverstone Britcar


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
Could the driveshaft angles be too extreme? are they at a weird angle? The car looks pretty low, so it might be better to raise it a little?

Failling that - keep off the kerbs?

I wonder if the joints are normal SEAT /VW parts, or specific to teh car (I doubt that) so you might find a boggo Mk4 Golf part is the same


yer we have looked into the angle of the shafts but the problem seems to be heat related the seats run a really expensive cv grease to with stand the stress of slicks and the heat. i have been informed these joints are standard to all cupras its only the shafts that have been extended by a few inches. thanks for the help


believe me forge you have been the best over the past few months makes paying that silly entry price at the show in jan worth while. that goes for all the work at forge the car ran for the two hours without any engine problems or loss of turbo boost THANKS AGAIN
role on oulton park on the eight of april


Morning to you all, just to let anyone know both myself and mark are racing next weekend 8th April at oulton Park, if anyone is going up on that day please come and say hello, you can get close to the car and have a good look round both of us are very friendly and will talk about the car to anyone who wants to listen. We will be around from 8.00am in garage two please feel free to pop in and say hello
We have a warm up then qual with the race in the afternoon.

Must Go Faster!

Hi paul Guess Who?

I think you should just leave the car in the garage, that way me and turvs won't have to fix it, and it would save a fortune on drive shafts.
P.S Hotel is all booked best i could do was £30 a head two double rooms and two tripples. will e mail you details tommoz when i wake up.


¡Muchas gracias señores!
Aug 6, 2003
Visit site
So what happened at Oulton Park - can't see the León listed in the finishers. Or starters for that matter :confused:

EDIT: Just looked at a more comprehensive site, finished fourth. Good effort in the conditions Result
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hi yer we had a good weekend qualified 8th (ahead of the honda of bennet)
started the race on wets due to changing conditions. we got up as far as 2nd overall in the first hour but due to some confussion on fuel stops under safety car
we made one stop to many plus a retard msa stewart held us in the pits 20 seconds to long. but all in all in was a great weekend getting used to the car
and with the help of forge its looking good mark drove spot on in the second stint to get us back to fourth overall and third in class behind x2 m3 46 and no honda civics in site


Full Member
Jan 9, 2002
Leamington Spa
wallace said:
we made one stop to many plus a retard msa stewart held us in the pits 20 seconds to long.

Its a new MSA regulation penalty for running over your own pit crew in the previous pit stop:p
You should have known you wouldnt get away with that one Wallace



i thought i got away with that one, mind you i was out with john last night, it cost me two pints of bitter, plus we did decide you can life after being hit at 30 mph, plus it was brake fade.


Full Member
Sep 2, 2005
What happened to the Leon at Snetterton this weekend ? I can't see a mention on the mst results site.



hi, didnt make snett for a couple of reasons none of which were car related.
really wanted to do the snett race and looking at the results i reckon we would have done well, one of the reasons is the spa race is in two weeks which is a four hour night race, and we will be looking to spend around 2000 pounds in tyres and fuel alone. so the budget is tight. second is the trailer front due to a bit of upset the usual car trailer we borrow is no longer available (i cant say anymore). so at the mo i am trying to track something down for the spa weekend. im hoping to get two more newsletters up together this week



you cheeky sod, hows things with you, i have managed to get a small sponser on board to sort out those crap radios we have, they are going to sort them for spa with a few extra head sets and the signal should be much inproved so when i run jon the lolly pop man down this time he can tell me how much it hurts