Seat sport mat set


Is it not pretty much guaranteed that these will fit the Leon?
reason 1: They are listed in the Leon section of the website
reason 2: They have "Leon" embroidered onto them
reason 3" The Stealer says they won't fit!!:p:whistle:


Active Member
Jan 30, 2007
Venezuela, Caracas
Like the bits of the world conquered by Napoleon and their colonies, you mean ;)

well to be historical correct, venezuela was a spain colony, Simon Bolivar also knows as the liberator of america helped with another father of our country called General Francisco de Miranda (he is in the arch of triumph in paris and near it its a monument to Bolivar) france and napoleon with their war in europe...

so nop we werent conquered by Napoleon LOL and we drive like the rest of the normal people LOL


need some chocolate
Apr 19, 2008
Belgrade, Serbia
heh... i heard that in England they drive on right side because of knights in medieval age, it was easier for them to ride their horses left side of their oponents so they can better hit them with sword/spear (as majority of population is right handed)... might not be true but is interesting theory...
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