Apr 15, 2023
Hi guys
Been without my car for near on a month now, parked her up as usual one night and next morning she just wouldn’t fire
Couldn’t hear the pump priming so figured it was relay / pump issues

had similar isssue a while ago and turned out to be the key in the battery & fuel relay.

Since she stopped firing(starting) I’ve replaced the following: Crankshaft position sensor, Fuel Relay, Fuel Pump, swapped out ECU & clocks etc still to no avail.

currently she is flagging codes saying on all 4 Injectors that there is an “open circuit” ? Has anyone had this issue before?
I probably should’ve taken her to a specialist / garage but I’m trying to eliminate everything I’m able to before sending her off..
Apr 15, 2023
Current codes


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Apr 15, 2023
Took it to a garage in the end and they fixed it, I believe it to have been the camshaft position sensor, always go OEM lol
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