usb size limit


Hi guys, i am getting a facelift leon fr in 2 weeks, my question is what is the max size usb stick i can insert into the usb slot that the stereo will accept?


I have a Sandisk 16GB and it works perfect..
Dont know about a bigger sized USB stick..
With 2010 Leon

enjoy the car !


i have a USB slot too. From what i can make out the number of tracks is only limited by memory however you can only slpit the tracks into a max of 6 folders/albums.

Mine is pre - FL so not sure if its changed for a newer model.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2007
i have a USB slot too. From what i can make out the number of tracks is only limited by memory however you can only slpit the tracks into a max of 6 folders/albums.

Mine is pre - FL so not sure if its changed for a newer model.

Yeah it has. The new stereo gives you a lot more flexibility to navigate the contents of a stick, no limit on number of folders/albums (at least not one you'll hit in reasonable use). You can also now nest folders in folders, eg have a folder per artist, with 2 or more albums by them inside it in seperate subfolders...


No Longer a Seat owner
Jul 2, 2008
It can depend on the stick, if its partitioned then it can cause a problem because it will only see one partition and some times they are only a few meg. Had this problem with my Alpine, swapped the stick and it was fine.


When using the USB is the track information displayed? Or is it just track1,2 etc

It does.. (If you have the Info on the file ofcourse)
it shows artist and song name.


We're talking here about a USB stick not an iPod
If you use a USB stick in the USB slot in the car than yes, You can control the tracks (skipping forward and backwards) and you can skip between folders as well(again only one folder at a time forward or backwards).

If you want to connect your iPod you will have to buy the dock (if you want to control it from the stereo/wheel) if you want to only hear from it you only need the AUX cable.

I hope I answered all your questions...


I have a 250GB portable 2.5" Seagate drive in mine.

Had to use a tool to format the drive in FAT32 (wont read it in NTFS).

65GB of music, no problems!!

Although the MIX (random) does not stay on between ignition starts and I think it says somewhere in the manual that it will only randomize the first 1000 tracks.

Anyway, sits nicely in the tray area where the USB port is so you can't see it if you don't know it's there.

I got it from Argos as it was cheapest around at the time.
cat num is 675/8648

Chris P

Active Member
Feb 16, 2010
East Midlands
Mico is your music arranged in folders or is it just a lot of mp3 tracks copied straight onto the hard drive.
I tried my 500gb drive last night but it wouldn't read it so I need to do a bit of experimenting.
Maybe 500gb is too much for it to cope with?


Hey Chris

Did you format the drive in FAT32? Windows won't allow you to do this straight off, you have to use a partitioning tool (I use SwissKnife).

But as to content, it's all in folders

1. Genre
2. Artist
3. Album
4. tracks

I ended up numbering the Genres as I say it seems to only randomize the first 1000 tracks alphabetically so I have my Rap folder as 1 so I don't get stuck listening to the wife's poppy stuff when I cant be arsed trawling through the folders to find something!!

Some USB drives may not work as they will need too much power draw on the +5v. I think a few people on here have used a fag-lighter to usb charger as backup power (on drives which come with a double usb lead for the purpose of feeding extra power into the drive).

But £40 is not bad for 250GB compared to USB sticks which are a fortune for 128GB - unless you are constantly taking it out of the car then the USB stick is a little easier to shove in a pocket!
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Chris P

Active Member
Feb 16, 2010
East Midlands
Cheers Mico, I think that is the problem. The Hard Drive comes formatted as NTFS.
I'm going to look to buy a smaller one and re-format it to FAT32.
I read somewhere that formatting FAT32 only gives a small partition, did the tool you downloaded sort this out so that you could see/use the whole 250gb of the drive.


Yes you can format FAT32 with SwissKnife up to 500GB.

The only downside is the bigger sectors compared to NTFS and the max size of a file can only be 2GB - this doesn't matter with mp3s

SwissKnife is free - by compuapps. google should give you the link as the first match.


Yes you can format FAT32 with SwissKnife up to 500GB.

The only downside is the bigger sectors compared to NTFS and the max size of a file can only be 2GB - this doesn't matter with mp3s

SwissKnife is free - by compuapps. google should give you the link as the first match.

Its a max size of 4GB per file.


My point was you're not going to get an mp3 anywhere near that size.

It's 4GB - 1byte


Active Member
Dec 23, 2007
Just reading the manual now, no mention of size limit, however does say have no more than 254 tracks per folder.

Chris P

Active Member
Feb 16, 2010
East Midlands
Finally got mine sorted on Sunday. Brought a 250gb WD Passport hard drive for £44 (its small enough to sit in the tray by the USB and AUX inputs and is powered by the USB). Had to re-format it to Fat32 as mico had mentioned.
Copied around 30gb of music to it yesterday arranged by a folder for each artist (just over 100 artist folders so far), then folders within for each album.
The RNS310 lets you scroll through each folder just as you would with an iPod (only much bigger capacity). So pleased I went for this system when I brought the FR.
Thanks to Mico for the tips on making it work.


Finally got mine sorted on Sunday. Brought a 250gb WD Passport hard drive for £44 (its small enough to sit in the tray by the USB and AUX inputs and is powered by the USB). Had to re-format it to Fat32 as mico had mentioned.
Copied around 30gb of music to it yesterday arranged by a folder for each artist (just over 100 artist folders so far), then folders within for each album.
The RNS310 lets you scroll through each folder just as you would with an iPod (only much bigger capacity). So pleased I went for this system when I brought the FR.
Thanks to Mico for the tips on making it work.

No probs Chris
See if your MIX function will stay on between ignition starts (overnight) - mine doesn't but don't know if this is due to the delay in the drive becoming ready or not.
I don't have the satnav just standard HU.
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