What happened to the text speak filter ?


See no evil...
Jul 26, 2004
Not just newbies though but some of the regulars. Not pointing any fingers but *cough* mk4 ibiza section *cough....

Not wishing to stereotype an entire section, but the Ibizas are generally bought by the younger members who have grown up using it. Much like anything, it's a hard habit to break, but I'm sure they can if they just put the effort in.


Nazi Moderator-Bot
Mar 6, 2005
Moved to the DarkSide
well Ken , just to 'blow that completely out of the water ' as it were, I am most probably older than most Ibiza owners on here, have a mk2 ( a young mans car?) and a Mk4 (its very rare I go into the Mk4 section though).. It strikes me personally as just an 'attitude ' or perhaps the thought that because its acceptable to use shortened terms within 'Txtspk' its also an accepted thing on *some* forums, then it would be acceptable on ALL forums.. there are a few forums I use where the Spelling Nazis/ Grammar Police would be down the posters throat as soon as it appeared..


Full Member
May 26, 2005
West Sussex
See the age thing makes no sense to me as I am only 23 and do not do the whole l33t txt spk da boozt init stuff and none of my friends do. Don't think age always has to do with it, sometimes more ignorance than anything.


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
the filter wasn't really working how I wanted...

1st, it filtered out words I didn't want it to
2nd, the lazy ass people who can't type, didn't fix their ways

so I'm still looking for an alternative. at the moment I just ignore moron posts


Nazi Moderator-Bot
Mar 6, 2005
Moved to the DarkSide
Amittedly we all make a spelling mistake every now and then, or have a little laugh about Da Booost, and no doubt there are some Dyslexic users of the forum but when you can see someone thats just using numbers instead of words it can be a tad infuriating


Full Member
May 26, 2005
West Sussex
Agreed Brum. Dyslexic doesn't always mean someone is poor with words, I have dyslexic friends and most try their upmost to spell and speak correctly. Unfortunately one or two of them don't give a toss and use txt spk instead of trying


See no evil...
Jul 26, 2004
well Ken , just to 'blow that completely out of the water ' as it were, I am most probably older than most Ibiza owners on here, have a mk2 ( a young mans car?) and a Mk4 (its very rare I go into the Mk4 section though).. It strikes me personally as just an 'attitude ' or perhaps the thought that because its acceptable to use shortened terms within 'Txtspk' its also an accepted thing on *some* forums, then it would be acceptable on ALL forums.. there are a few forums I use where the Spelling Nazis/ Grammar Police would be down the posters throat as soon as it appeared..

I said mainly... :p

But I take your point in that maybe it's wrong to label an entire age range with the same attributes. As normal, it's the minority who spoil it for everyone else...


Huge Member!
Feb 11, 2004
Visit site
Please bring back the Text Speak Filter, half these posts may aswell be in Arabic these days!

One thing i have noticed is that the spelling ability of some people on this forum, is unbelievable. I'm not talking about the odd mispelled word, but the general lazyness, and stupidity of some people.

I noticed this today

I fort i'd post some pictures!

This is stupidness, and not lazyness, so wouldnt be picked up the the text filter, but Damn, the standard of written english is appaulling.


...soon to have new shoes
Mar 30, 2005
Being able to spell and being lazy and typing a word how it's pronounced instead of the correct spelling are 2 different things.
People can't be balled at if they can't spell as well as the next chap, but the lazy people abbreviating words with numbers need to learn to type quicker so those few extra letters aren't a problem ;)


Who need's a Diesel....
Feb 12, 2006
it was causing problems as I remember there was a hyperlink posted and it filtered out parts of that.


Ibiza GTi
Mar 26, 2007
You ever seen that program ' Grumpy Old Men' ? Haha only joking.:) Not bothered about the odd word here and there, but when whole sentences/paragraphs are written like that its really annoying.
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