windscreen icing up, on the inside!


Nov 11, 2008
Morning, bet u thought this question was about stereo's huh??
Lol actually its about my windscreen icing up, on the inside! :( I have re-sealed all of my doors as per a thread on here, took out the whole interior and dried it completely, the floors are still dry and i cant find any leaks above pedals etc as people have posted on here, yet in these icy mornings my windscreen and rear window are iced on the inside!
Anyone got any ideas? Do i still have a leak somewhere do you think??


Nov 11, 2008
Cheers Lee, any idea where? as i say the car inside feels dry, carpets and underlay all dry, could it be leaving the vents open is allowing damp air in or something?? or maybe pollen filter, doesnt that have something to do with the air-con?


Stage 2 Revo'd
Dec 10, 2004
My vents are always open but mines fine.
Could well be the pollen filter wet, but for the back to freeze up is a bit worrying.
The side windows are not frozen then just the back and front?

Try giving them a good clean and make sure they are dry, obviously when de-frosted ;)


I have had this in the last couple of days but until I dragged some snow into the car on my boots it was OK so I have put it down to the snow.


Nov 11, 2008
yea just the back and front window, the back hardly at all, front pretty bad, can i take the pollen filter out if its wet and run the car without it?
I did have a wet cloth in the glovebox, used it to wipe my shoes after crossing a soaking wet field (dont ask lol), could that do it??


This may be obvious and you may have tried this already, but when you are going on a reasonably long drive, turn your heaters upto full and get the car like an oven inside, this evaporates alot of the residual moisture in your car. When you are about 5 minutes away from your destination, open the front windows, and in this cold weather, the warm air that contains the moisture, quickly vents out of the car. This then means there is less moisture in your car when you park up.

I find this helps a lot at this time of year by reducing the condensation normaly left on your windows overnight which then freezes.

I hope this helps


Nov 11, 2008
hey thanks for that mate i have never done it but will give it a try, wont opening the windows let moist air in??? or will the warm air escaping stop it?


Don't wanna turn this into a science lesson (or sound a t*t) but warm air moves to cold areas to balance the temperature out, so if your car inside is warm and you open the window, the warm air goes outside to balance the temperature. This is also why dual climate control is a load of b*llocks beacuse you cant sustain two reallly different temperatures within a foot of each other!

If you shut your windows again when the inside car temperature has dropped to near that of outside it should work. And if you do get the colder air in, it wont have as much moisture as the warmer air leaving, so you'll be in a better situation than before.

Let me know how you get on!


Nov 11, 2008
cool, lol or hot as the case may be! will be taking a longer trip tomorrow so will give it a try and let you know how it is the following morning!
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