
  1. New Ibiza Servicing

    Hi guys and gals. My girlfreind is about to purchase a new Ibiza 1.6tdi sport but we are unsure of the service regime, would the first service be after 1 year or 2 as we are considering the maintenance package but if its only after 2 years almost seems pointless although we do want peace of...
  2. Servicing extras???

    Hey All, I've just serviced my leon mk1 fr tdi, oil and all the filters, checked fluids, brakes etc and all was fine. In the process of changing the susp[ension strut mounts as they were highlighted on the MOT as needing doing. Is there anyhting else that any of you would recommend that i...
  3. Servicing DIY or Garage?

    Hello All, My Mk 1 Leon FR Tdi is due for its 140,000 mile service. I was wondering if I did it myself and therefore didn't get a stamp in the log book would this significantly affect resale value in the future? I know it's high mileage but the car is in good nick and has had all the parts...
  4. danny20vt

    servicing info wanted

    Does anyone have any info or links regarding servicing a Leon 1.8t? What with moving house, I'm going to service the car myself to save on costs, I've found a fuel filter change guide and which spark plugs to go for but I really could do with some guides on how to change them with removing the...
  5. Seeking advise re: seat servicing deal

    Hey all. Ive place an order for a leon fr tdi, the guy at the stealer has tried to sell me a servicing package, which covers me for 3 years servicing for £897.64, optionally i can pay that in 1 lump or over 3 years for 24.99 with 0%apr What im curious is would that be worth it, it seems...
  6. SEAT Tuning and Servicing

    Hi I live in Chichester West sussex, i am looking to get my car to a SEAT specialist to do full service etc, does anyone reccomend any in this area? Cheers:confused :confused:
  7. LCR Servicing milestones.

    Hi all, Could somebody tell me what the servicing milestones are on an 04> LCR? Looking to by one but I want an idea of when the cambelt should be changed etc.. Thanks! Rich
  8. is there any servicing parts i can buy to help this car last longer

    hi i have a 2003 seat leon cupra 20v t 180 bhp is there any servicing parts i can buy to help this car last longer as some parts on the shelf are not good quality is there any good sites you can buy theses service parts from for my model plus what type oil does it use?:doh:
  9. LCR Servicing

    Hi there, I'm new to LCR ownership but have had a few performance cars in my time and have always done my own servicing. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the servicing intervals and what needs to be changed when? I've searched but have had no joy. Cheers Ben
  10. Tyres, Lights and Servicing

    Hi all, very impressed with SCN - you've helped me sort my sticking boot lock already! I'm looking to trade in my almost new tyres (recently bought 51 plate cupra) for higher performance tyres (thinking Falken 452's?) but not sure where I can get this done, anyone know? I live in SW...
  11. Facelift FR TDI - Servicing

    Had my first drive in a facelift FR TDI today. It would appear that the new CR engine is to be shared with the new Gold 170 GTD. However, the Golf will come with the variable servicing option. So, does the FR actually have the variable service option (even if your local friendly Seat...
  12. Servicing Q

    Just about to buy a 2002 TDI SE ibiza. it has 57k and full seat service. however, my question was, it hasn't has cambelt changed and the dealer tells me its not due until 75k, is this the case, or is it 75k or ...yrs etc? as previous cars have been 60k or 5yrs, in which case it would need...
  13. help servicing my cupra

    basically what do i want for servicing my cupra? iv serviced my other cars myself soo i know what to do, just want to see what you lot reccomend. and what parts. my cupra isnt standard by the way its currently 204hp what do i do about the turbo? does that ened servicing? cheers guys
  14. Servicing

    I've had by LCR now for 15 months and the service light hasn't come on, is it time or miles on these between servicing?
  15. chrissy1502002


    Apologies for the stupid question. I have had a search around on here but am unable to find the answer. Basicaly im going to be servicing my car at the weekend and i am unsure how many litres of oil i will need. Halfords say it only takes 4 litres, but i would rather be sure. Many thanks...
  16. servicing

    does any one know whats changed at what mileage? i know its oil and filter every service but id like to stick to what seat recommend when i service my grandads leon 1.4
  17. Kevo

    Thoughts on servicing not at seat????

    As above really, have been thinking about getting my servicing done at a specialist instead, with all genuine seat parts thus keeping the warranty..... What's people thoughts on this as i don't really think i would care if i was buying a second hand one as long as the warranty still stood...
  18. warren_cox

    Forge Motorsport UK: 2.0TFSi Dump Valve Servicing kit review I recently contacted Forge Motorsport about a servicing kit for the FSiT DV they supply which has now been on my car for 12+ months. I sent an e-mail, and within minutes on the same day got a response by...
  19. Servicing

    My mate's got a LC 1.8t that is due the 4 year / 40,000 miles service. Is it what ever is the earliest, so basically it's the age, as its only done 32,500 miles? Do you think it needs the cambelt changed, as I thought the recommended interval was 80k? He also got some prices: What do...
  20. Servicing

    Hi, sorry if this has been asked before, but as a new comer to this forum am after some advice re servicing of a 1 year old seat altea 1.9 tdi reference. The car is due its first service,I have contacted Thompson and thompson who have quoted me £170 ,after looking at the service book there...
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