Atmos Dump Valve?????


Huge Member!
Feb 11, 2004
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That looks like an atmos, and as its not near the MAF sensor, i wonder if it would give the error codes, associated with Atmos DV's??

Im sure someone will say yes.
Forbez said:
That looks like an atmos, and as its not near the MAF sensor, i wonder if it would give the error codes, associated with Atmos DV's??

Im sure someone will say yes.

The fact that the car will be losing metered air means it's no different to driving around with gert 'one way' hole in one of your pipes :)


Full Member
Jan 12, 2005
He could have hybrid DV mounted . You can buy dedicated model for 1.8T engines


Full Member
Jan 12, 2005
I don't have one in my car but willing to buy , so can't give you opinion based on my experience yet.
But know people running these DVs , no VAG errors or any other issues


Everything in Moderation
Jun 23, 2003
Radek said:
He could have hybrid DV mounted . You can buy dedicated model for 1.8T engines

that means nothing.....everybody agrees they will work on a 1.8T it's just the damage they do over time.

RobDon tried for ages to makes atmos DV's work, he must have tried 10 types, they all eventually threw up fault codes in the ECU (some took days some took months ).

Don't believe me? then get a cup of tea and read the Science bit from a man who is qualified.....10+ years calibrating ECU's for a living on Aston's etc counts as 'qualified' to me.

(I would be happy to see a constructive reply / argument to the following...................)


Post from Max-Torque

"No rhime or reason"


(and concentrate, here comes the science bit!)

A modern engine management system, ie the Bosch Me unit fitted to 1.8T's has "adaptive" learning on the fuel, ignition and airflow side.

Because Me is a Torque based structure it's calculation of engine torque verses driver demand is critical to the driveability of the car and it's performance / durability.

When you fit a "leak" in the intake system (open circuit valve) the original calibration of the MAF sensor to manifold and cylinder filling modeling will not corespond. However due to the 20% allowance in the long term adaptive values the ECU will relearn you engine and "leak"

At idle the inlet model calculated airflow will exceed the MAF meters measured output, and depending on the state of your particular components - ie MAF ageing / contamination, throttle plate leakage, Fuel tank purge vapour concentration this may, or may not push the adaptive to it's 20% limit. If it hits the limit the ME unit will run in FMEM mode (Failure mode and effects management) causing reduced system efficiency. The Me unit will use the switching signal from the lambda sensor to return fuelling to lambda 1, storing the correction as a map agaisnt airflow. and add this correction to the fueling calc when operating at non closed loop conditions, ie WOT, fuel injector reenstatment (after overrun shut off, traction control intervention etc.) Now depending on how you drive and how sensative you are this may or may not be felt by the driver during certain manovevers. The throttle plate position will also learn the new airflow to maintain control of idle speed, but you may notice poor engine load rejection, ie turn on the aircon and the engine speed varries etc. or engine speed flares on starts or when operating PAS when parking.

However in all cases this will result in "incorrect" fueling. Now by "incorrect" i mean, not as the manufacturer intended. A post MAF leak will cause rich operation initially, but the adaptives will pull fuel out and become negative. This tends to cause a rich to lean spike on tip outs and other throttle transient. Now it is extremely diffucult for an untrained observer to spot these effects as they occur mainly on throttle transients, when the average drive may not notice. Therefore you could say "why do i care?". Well, any AFR excursion from the intended fuelling set by the manufacturer will result in non-standard engine operation. because of the adaptives this is unlikely to cause immediate engine problems, but over the course of time will change things like catalyst ageing, exhaust and turbo charger valve durability etc. Manufactures spend millions accruing miles on development fleets so hopefully the customers don't get landed with big bills as time goes on, and with most modern cars life'd at 150k miles (min design life) this is a big task.
It is unlikely that this will result in any performance loss, as at WOT the system is open loop, but you may see the result of an open circuit valve oas over fueling on gear changes etc. (a tell tail puff of black smoke is what you can see, a 1200 degC Catalyst is what you can't see, as excess fuel when injection reenstates and excess air from overrun shut off period combine in cat)

Now as you can see this is a seriously complicated subject and i haven't even mentioned the dreaded EOBD or OBDII words yet. Typically Bosch Me units have approximately 9000 calibratable parameters (constants, maps etc) and an engine calibration program will take a team of 8 calibration engineers 18 months to do the basic mapping and OBD validation. These days it's no problem to do the basic fuel and spark mapping, maybe 4 weeks on a midlimit engine on a dyno, but the diagnostics and emmisions devs takes years.

Moral or the story, before you start playing with something you don't understand, find someone who does!(And not just thinks they do!)

(for anyone thinking, "hey what makes me such an "expert" on this subject?" then i'd better mention the last 10 years i've spent as a senior calibration engineer at Cosworth and Prodrive!)

(sorry , another monster post!)
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Model Behaviour
Nov 8, 2002
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steve0 said:
Was sat at a set of traffic lights last night when a Blue Ibiza Cupra pulled up next to me. Never seen it before ever. Heard him revving it up, so we set off and I had him off. Pulled up at next set, the same thing happened. He could not get past me. Anyway, this car for sure had a Atmospheric Dump Valve. I could clearly hear it. Also had an exhaust and induction kit, but he couldn't get past me. We pulled up and had a crack a bit down the road. Apparently, he'd only jus bought the car about 3 days before and therefore couldn't set off properly in it, which was his lame excuse for being beaten twice!! He was saying tho, that he had reciept's for a REVO re-map, full supersprint system and Jabbasport induction kit and other bits and bobs done to the engine.

Basically, the reason for this thread is two things:

1) How the hell has he got an Atmospheric D/V on it without problems??

2) Also, my car is totally standard apart from REVO, and his has a few things done and couldn't get past me for ****. It wasn't as if he was goining on me once he'd set off, I was constantly gaining distance on him. How is this?? And if this is the case, whats the point in adding £500 exhausts n stuff, when it dosent make the car any faster???

If you get a Forge007P, Forge TIP and an open filter then it sounds like it has Atmospheric Dump Valve, if you then get it remapped its REALLY loud, mine isnt remapped yet but if you heard it you would think it had one on as well


Full Member
Jan 12, 2005
Ruddmeister said:
they all eventually threw up fault codes in the ECU (some took days some took months ).

The valve I'm talking about is one month on the market so it may be too early
for final judgement .
I'm willing to buy one but I need to gather as much information as possible ,
so thank you for the previous post , interesting !
Don't want to throw 80 punds for nothing


Everything in Moderation
Jun 23, 2003
Radek said:
The valve I'm talking about is one month on the market so it may be too early for final judgement .

OK fair enough but think about it logically

If the DV vents to the atmosphere (even in part) then air is lost from the system, air that the ECU believe's is in the system....

As the man said
"...A post MAF leak will cause rich operation initially, but the adaptives will pull fuel out and become negative. This tends to cause a rich to lean spike.."

Cars running Rich may just knacker your catalyst etc..... cars running lean is plain scary.

"...Well, any...excursion from the intended fuelling set by the manufacturer will result in non-standard engine operation. because of the adaptives this is unlikely to cause immediate engine problems, but over the course of time will change things like catalyst ageing, exhaust and turbo charger valve durability etc..."

Sounds more expensive than replacing just an £80 DV to me :shrug:


Full Member
Jan 12, 2005
CupraTgirl said:
If you get a Forge007P, Forge TIP and an open filter then it sounds like it has Atmospheric Dump Valve, if you then get it remapped its REALLY loud, mine isnt remapped yet but if you heard it you would think it had one on as well

How about forge007P + remap and stock air filter ? Any sound ?
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