Average fuel on computer


Active Member
Jul 6, 2009
Have you ever verified the MPG by filling the tank up until the pump stops?

Keep a note of the number of miles covered and then next time you fill up do the same until the pump stop and make a note of how many litres have gone in the tank and convert to gallons. Then divide the miles covered by gallons used and this will give your actual MPG.

Hope this helps.


Back older greyer and less oilier but always hope
Jun 19, 2001
quick comparison test as my car was at work and although normally i would be off for a
drive about for half and hour i went home for some cash first so ideal as it's town and outskirts usual traffic lights and at most 30-35mph travel and some stationary:

trip time: 10 mins
distance: 2 miles
avg speed: 13mph
start trip mpg: 5.3
after 250m went up to 6.2
end trip mpg: 18.9
oil temp: 80'
air temp: 20'

as i made notes on a pad the mpg dropped 0.1 every 10 sec so was 18.6 by time i finished making notes

must admit warmed up it's at 18/20 and rises once i get going further out of town but first mile was never over 12mpg but im keeping under 3k rpm and no turbo


Dec 8, 2008
Dublin Ireland

yep have been logging all of my fuelings on www.spiritmotor.de for the nifty little icon below. last fuelling result was 16 litres per 100 KM pretty disastrous but yes lots of stop start in Dublin city centre traffic seem to get about 7.9 l per 100 km on a run though


Yellow is the best
Feb 21, 2006
location , location
well last night went to nottingham , set crise control at speedo 70 mph and managed 38.9 average mpg that keeps the car under 3,000 rpm , but 20 miles from notts , i upped it to 80 mph and that took it just over the 3,000 rpm and overal managed 36.1 mpg over about 140 miles.
So overall not too bad.


Wind the boost up...
Apr 13, 2009
well last night went to nottingham , set crise control at speedo 70 mph and managed 38.9 average mpg that keeps the car under 3,000 rpm , but 20 miles from notts , i upped it to 80 mph and that took it just over the 3,000 rpm and overal managed 36.1 mpg over about 140 miles.
So overall not too bad.

Doesn't sound like you've anything to worry about. Thats the sort of fuel comsumption i get on a good run anyway.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2007
I get a similar thing in my petrol FR. At the start of my journey to work, there is a lot of queueing (stupidly set up lights and dozy drivers). It can take me 20 mins to cover the first mile sometimes, and my mpgs are then typically around 8-12, just 'cos my cold engine has been idling a lot and so using fuel without really moving the car anywhere. The mpgs will drop by .1 every 30 secs or so. The rate the mpgs drop at when idling is going to vary with the distance you've gone- if you've gone twice as far before you're stuck in traffic, the effect of the engine idling on mpgs is going to be halved. So if I've done a long trip then get stuck in traffic my mpg drops much slower.

If you want massive MPGs then find somewhere that you can drive at 40 mph in 6th gear without needing to change speed, you will get in the region of 50-60 mpg. It'll make you feel better :)
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