ECU errors


hi there !!!

Thanks for the help for my last topic but now I would like toknow if anyone has experienced how to clean ECU errors, because when an error appears in your front panel and then still gone this error is recorded and we must have to clean it.
So my question goes to if anyone has cleaned this type of errors from ECu and with software used.

Thanks for the help being helded, and keep the good work with this forum.


yea vag com will be able to clear fault codes which is basically what seat do but charge you for it if its not under warrenty! ive just got it for myself so i dont have to go to the dealers if a light comes on that just needs reseting


Electric problem with windows

Hi there !!!

Thanks for the help the software clean up the error that gave to me but a little strange it says mix fuel I don't know if the fuel it's mixed with something entering in motor or if is another thing else.
So now I've got a big problem I don't Know if Vag will take care to reset the electric elevator to window system because when you push the button to window climb up he goes to the top (close) and instantanly goes down and needs the finger to put it again and close I know that I must do a reset to the elevators my question is if the Vag will do and if my cable will work with this.

Thanks for the people who can help and for the help being helded


Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
You can reprogram the windows without diagnostic.

Press the up button so the window is all the way up, then hold it up again for a few seconds, you should hear a click. This has then reset one touch and the roll back feature.


Driver window

Hi there

Techie thanks for the help but it won't worked, but I've tried in the opposite side of the driver seat and it worked you can hear the sound that you describe.
I think it could be a serious problem because when i pull up the window she goes to the top and then automaticly goes down and stops if you let the finger to push the window up it works but then i cannot hear the sound that you describe.
I only ask if Vag could solve the problem because the first time this happend I went to the mechanics of Seat and they told me that will make it a reset on the elevators and they have come work correctly.

Soi that is my question could I solve the problem with Vag or the problem could be more serious.

Thanks for the help