Exploding window covered under warranty?



I've got an 07 Ibiza Cupra TDI and its also happened to me today. The lower half of the windscreen has shattered through. I didn't even get in the car! Got damn cold weather, its -10 now and its 10:15 in the morning!

i have an 06 ibiza, and this happened to me today. Presumed vandalism but as you say nothing has been stolen/nothing to be stolen and no signs of any vandalism. It sounds stupid but its as if heating the rear windscreen from freezing then it quickly cooling has caused it to smash... :S[/QUOTE]


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Also windscreens are made in a different way than say a rear window as they obviously have to stand upto different things, so i dont think a windscreen would ever go in this way.

Windscreens are laminated - two sheets of glass either side of a sheet of tough plastic.

Rear screens are just toughened glass.


Full Member
Sep 11, 2005
Dreghorn, Scotland
Windscreens are laminated - two sheets of glass either side of a sheet of tough plastic.

Rear screens are just toughened glass.

I'm being picky here, but since I spent a year working for a glass manufacturer, I think its ok.

Rear screens are toughened glass like you say, but front windscreens (usually) are toughened laminate. So yes, they do have the film in the middle, but they're still toughened just the same


On tuesday morning i went out to my car, didn't even turn it on but walked around flicking the snow off the windows, got to the rear and the scraper went straight through. I wiped the rest of the snow off and it was totally shattered.

Will cost me £75 on insurance but autoglass say they have to get a new one through SEAT and they won't commit to when they will deliver them to them, but they reckon it could be 2 weeks! Autoglass said they have had 2 others in the last couple of days as well, and that's just the Peterborough branch, must be a common issue.


I've been waiting 2 weeks for my rear screen now, and still no sign of it.

They're on back order at the factory in Spain, and my local Autoglass branch are waiting for 2 others aswell.

A local distributor has told me that they've been on order since December 22nd, but none have turned up yet....


This happened to me about 3 weeks ago, driving down the motorway at 70mph and there was just a massive bang, i looked up and bits of glass were flying all round my car i just couldnt belive the rear window blew out. I thought id been shot lol.

I went through the insurance and had to pay £75 excess with autoglass which they fitted some star bright glass which then leaked water into my boot and they also left 3 trims off my tailgate so i wrote i letter to them complaining the give me half the excess back came out and put i brand new seat glass in and then snapped 3 clips on the spoiler which i am still waiting for.

So dont use autoglass cos they are rubbish :)



Active Member
All glass companies are careless in my experience. Had one come replace my rear quarter. I phoned it though 11am Sunday the guy turned up alter companied constantly that I had called him out and he was asleep (your career choice!) When I went out he was hacking at the screw to the outer B pillar with a screwdriver and ruined them and if I hadn't haven taped my coat to the window edge and over the seat he would have just let all the glass fall in. He did not hoover up either I really wish I had complained but I had a damaged wheel to sort out as well (that went even worse with customer care!)

Also I work at a garage and call glass companies out every month nearly they frequently turn up with the wrong screen or broken screen and then fit it poorly. They came back 2 times to sort out poorly fitted specialist glass that they fitted to a fire engine.


you sound as if your having as much luck as i am with autoglass lol, i am gunna write another letter tomorrow about my spoiler cos the broke some clips on it then taped it back on just to secure it till the new clips come and that was before new year.



Active Member
Jan 31, 2007
I fell victim to the exploding... imploding rear windscreen in my case on 05/01/2009.

I was driving home from work at 17:30, which is about 10 miles. I had parked under a tree at work so luckily my car didn’t ice over. I remember using the heated rear window for a couple of mins to remove a bit of mist. Other than that it was a careful journey home in the snow (live in the countryside so its all country lanes), my car was quite warm inside but nothing out of the ordinary. Although on the Car temp sensor it was flicking between -5 and -6.5.

About 1 mile away from home, just turning off from a lane and boom, nearly made me steer into a hedge, at first I thought the misses had been shot. I stopped, looking around as I thought someone had hit me, but being in the middle of no where there was no cars or people about. My Rear windscreen was in pieces across my parcel shelf and rear seats. Every part of the window has shattered, there is no see through glass remaining attached, it all ended up inside the car. I am just thankful that I was not giving anyone a lift home or their head would be covered in tiny pieces of glass.

I contacted Autoglass through my insurance company the next day and they said there are no rear windscreens for my vehicle left in the uk. They also said they had 11 other Ibiza owners ring up that morning with rear windscreen issues. If what Autoglass are saying is true I find it hard to believe that there isn't an issue that needs addressing by SEAT. I also contacted Autowindscreens who also said no glass for my vehicle.

My Car is under 3 years old, in perfect condition, low mileage and there were no cracks, chips or tinting on the rear window, infact it needs its first MOT before 27th Jan, I'm not sure if the car can pass with no rear window? Bit of an Epic but what can you do.

Any comments/sugestions etc would as always be helpful, I am a bit stuck if I can't get an MOT and no glass turns up.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Any comments/sugestions etc would as always be helpful, I am a bit stuck if I can't get an MOT and no glass turns up.

Providing you remove all broken glass so there are no sharp edges and remove the rear wiper - it should go through the MOT.

it's like a spare wheel - if it's there it will be inspected and can fail an MOT - if it's not there it cant fail the MOT.


i got my window from autoglass on the 29th dec 2009, well my replacement one which they fitted an after market one first but didnt seal/fit properly. i havent heard anything from SEAT about the glass as its ongoing.


Any comments/sugestions etc would as always be helpful, I am a bit stuck if I can't get an MOT and no glass turns up.

I chased mine up yet again tonight and got the same response, namely that there are no rear screens in the UK at present, and they still have no idea when any will arive.

Mine has been on order for over 2 weeks now....

My wife is taking a taxi to and from work everyday, at a cost of £20 per day. As a result of only having one car left between us, I have to pick up the kids every night from nursery and after school club meaning that I have to leave work at 3pm (work 2hrs drive from home) which is really starting to piss my boss off because it is beginning to be a long term issue.

When the screen does get replaced, then the car goes - and will not be replaced by another Seat. It's only 18 months old FFS, and is one of the best selling small cars over the past several years, so it's hardly a rarity.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Have you tried speaking to a window tinting company to see if they have the security film available ?.

That stuff should be tough enough to make a temporary rear window for the car.


Not being funny but can you not just tape the window up and use the car?

I'm concerned that when I get back to the car park after work, the car won't be there any more.

Not sure that the insurance company would be inclined to want to pay out aswell, in view of the fact that the car was left entirely unsecured and effectively open all day. They obviously know that there is no rear screen at the moment because I intend to claim for the eventual replacement, so I couldn't hide that fact.


Yeh guess I was thinking if you parked it in view it would be okay. OR if you have to go to the shops leave someone in it. I only have one car and live alone most of the time so I would have to do this tbh!

It's nice to see people taking the time to offer suggestions aimez, so no probs:)

By way of an update, the manager at the local Autowindscreens who is being harrassed by me on a daily basis now to try and speed a replacement phoned Seat UK today after giving up on the dealer who he's ordered the screen from.

Response was to forget the 7 - 10 days that was quoted previously (which has passed anyway), because they are no longer willing to put a timescale to it as they have no idea when (or if) any replacements will arrive. ie. could be this week, this month or this year - but they won't commit themselves at all.

Very very disappointed and angry now, and am now thinking of going to trading standards with a copy of the Motor Manufacturers approved code of practice (endorsed by VW group) which states that they promise to make parts available for cars during their production, and for a reasonable period afterwards. My car is 18 months old, and they are already not able to supply replacement parts.

I think that their customer care policies are very short sited, because in saving themselves the cost of loaning me a car for a period as a goodwill gesture, they are oblivious to the fact that they have now almost certainly lost a customer who has bought 3 brand new Seat cars in the last 7 years.


Hi all,
I have just found this forum after searching due to my rear window shattering last night. I had had the heated window on for around 5 minutes and despite it not being overly cold shattered completely.
After contacting my insurance company national windscreens rang to say that they had no stock in the UK and would have to order one. The man said he would ring back with an estimated timescale, but after reading these posts it does not look too promising!
I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with Seat regarding this issue as it seems to be not uncommon, especially as the car is just over 2 years old and still under warranty. Also, has anyone had an update on when the screens might be expected in the UK as this seems very unacceptable given that the car was still in production not solong ago.
I live on a main road so i have had to put the car in a friends garage to be secure so will have to arange alternative transport for however long this goes on for. I am considering writing to SEAT to complain but does anybody have any contact details for anyone at Seat UK?

Anyway, thanks for reading and any comments/suggestions would be helpful!!
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