FR Spare Wheel Speed? Tyre Bulge...


Active Member
Jan 13, 2008
This bl***y car! One things after another!

Anyway, long story short, I bumped a kerb rather hard before xmas in the ice. Bent wishbone...replaced and sorted. Still a bit of a loud noise above 80mph, when I hear it it makes you definitly want to slow down, bearings and balancing ok. So today I examined front tyre and noticed a bulge, a few mm out and about the size of a 50p.

Changed to the FR spare tyre, looks full size to me so why is it covered in stickers saying "not above 50mph" ???

And could the bulge be the reason for the noise? Thanks as ever for your combined brains!


Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
It is a full rated spare tyre. Same as the Fabia vRS and I have never been able to work out why it has the speed rating on it. Its not a directional tyre, is the correct size etc so who knows?
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