Fresh manual gearbox oil change problem..


Active Member
Dec 27, 2024
Hello guys! Im new here and already have a question :) So I have 2014 2.0tdi fr with 100000miles and i changed the old gearbox oil with new febi bilstein 21829 fluid gl4 which has the required vw specs but after the change the gearbox feels more notchy and reluctant when shifting in 2nd and 3rd gear especially when cold but before the change it didnt have that problem I just changed it for the peace of mind. So im wondering is there any break in period for the oil or what could be causing this issue?

Big Vinny

Active Member
Oct 14, 2012
Are you sure you have the right spec of gearbox oil ? FEBI 21829 is listed for the Leon 1P which is the MK2 ? Looking at this in more detail FEBI 21829 meets the VW specifications TL521 71 & 78 and is the correct one. I don't have a diesel Leon but did experience a stiff notch gearbox in a diesel SEAT Exeo/Aud1 A4 due to cold weather only when the engine was cold. So the question is the gear selection less notchy when the car is warmed up as I notice you live in a country with low winter temperatures ?
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Active Member
Dec 27, 2024
Yes when the car is warm there is no notchiness just shifts feel a little bit stiffer than before but when is cold its really heavy especially from 1st to 2nd it feels like i will break the gearbox. But im comparing this with old gearbox oil that was in the car there was little notchines even when cold so I find the behavior with new oil a little bit odd.


Active Member
May 30, 2019
I changed my gearbox oil a few years ago, I think I was around 90,000miles (184 tdi 2015) - I used Castrol 75 FE (as the genuine stuff G052527A2 is very expensive) and is was noticeably smoother easier changing gear.
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