Nasty 4x4's & Car Park Dents!


Full Member
Jan 12, 2006
The Dent people have just been round and unfortunately they can't fix the dent as they can't get to it (theres a metal bar just above which is stopping them from gaining access).

Not sure what to do now :(
RikH, Done Well its not childish thats smart i would have done the same serves the C o Ck Su CkE r Right, Awesome bet that felt so good! Rarrrrr Dooof Av It!
Now im not saying that retalliation is by anymeans the answer but its a freakin start and bloody satisfying! It was a rangey as well anyone who drives one of those must be a Tool!

Sad to hear that Al G, I say go thump the turd that did it! Its really annoying you know where it is i know the feeling and feel for you mate! Body Shop Job Buddy? Visit a few go on the Body Shop Directory you can find them in the Yella Sheets! they have recomendations by customers as to the best value and and best job for the money and will give you the top chioces by people in regards to cost and standard!, Once you get a good quote head down there check out the standard of facilities and work they bang out! It pays! and they will see that your fussy so hopefully do a good job but if your not happy dont pay a penny its your right! All body shops aim at doing a good job on even the smallest of jobs so when you have a really bad smack you will most likely return, I thought id state the obvious as i know people that have had some real shocking jobs done, Most Bodyshops nowadays are pretty good, Just dont go to uncle jeffs paint shop down some dark ally somewhere!

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Texas Cowboy
Oct 17, 2005
RikH, Done Well its not childish thats smart i would have done the same serves the C o Ck Su CkE r Right, Awesome bet that felt so good! Rarrrrr Dooof Av It!
Now im not saying that retalliation is by anymeans the answer but its a freakin start and bloody satisfying! It was a rangey as well anyone who drives one of those must be a Tool!


hmm that wasnt my worst moment either. It does make you so mad.
Recently id gone snowboarding with a female friend, i came off the slope and she stayed on so i took the bags back to my car. When i got there a big brand new espace was parked up touching my rear bumper so i couldnt even open the boot-it had also left a few nice marks on the bumper.
I moved the car, put the stuff in the boot, then keyed the **** out of the espace on my way back into the place[:@]:redface:
Mar 26, 2007
haha, i normally hate people who key cars but it has to be said, when you know for a FACT that another person has damaged your pride and joy with their heap of ****, they deserve to know what it feels like too.


Full Member
Jan 12, 2006
YAY the dent have now been removed!

Went to a place called DentTec in Warrington who sorted it out in minutes!

If anyone in the Northwest needs to get theirs sorted then I can't rate DentTec highly enough. In all honesty the guy (Dave) is a genious!

It definitely pays to take your car to a specialist :D

I'm so chuffed the Leon is back to prestine :D


cholangio carcenoma doh !
Feel for mate, glad you got it sorted ! living in London its a fekkin nightmare ! as others have said I always look for a space with a space or two either side buit still some tw*t in a 4x4 (why you need a 4x4 in London ill never know :rolleyes: ) or a people carier comes along and bang you have a nice new dink in your otherwise spotless motor ! [:@]
what can you do ? unless you see them do it or your in the car when it happens ? ahh the joys of motoring !
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coopra R

Active Member
Feb 6, 2005
YAY the dent have now been removed!

Went to a place called DentTec in Warrington who sorted it out in minutes!

How did he do it mate ?

Did he take the inner panels off or manage it from the outside ?

Been thinking about the DingKing kit, but think the dent may be too small.

I've got a similiar type 5p coin size ding (probably smaller) on my O/S rear door - caused by some rotten :censored: in his rusty old transit [:@]
Incriminating red paint on the car (this t'cut off though).

Parked my car on the opposite side of the carpark from everyone else - only to come out & find the :censored::censored: parked next to me....And bloody close too ! [:@][:@]

Waited for him coming back....he must've seen me & decided against returning !
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