powerflex arb bushes


going faster
Feb 14, 2009
Would someone be able to tell me the difference between the two sets of bushes, Ive got the wishbone bushes now i just require the ones for the ARB but im not sure what is what.
I think number 1 is the two bushes that go on the long straight section of the ARB but i dont know what number 2 is or if its required for a LC.:confused:

1) Front Anti Roll Bar Mount

2) Front Anti Roll Bar Link Bush Kit


going faster
Feb 14, 2009
lol, Thanks i can order them up now, i would only have got the one lot and iwould looked a bit daft at the garage :)


going faster
Feb 14, 2009
Out of curiosity, where does number 2 go? I cant make sense of the picture but it appears by the droplinks.


going faster
Feb 14, 2009
not sure on size!

I went to order the bushes and was asked if i wanted 21mm or 23mm, i had no answer. I have ploughed through the threads and it appears LCR has 19mm arb and the LC has a 21mm arb. so what do u i order and where does the 23mm come into it:confused:


Active Member
Feb 24, 2013
Sorry for bringing up this old thread, but I have a question regarding the same topic.

I want to upgrade/replace some of the bushes on my -01 LC4 TDI (PD150). I have already replaced the two on the front wishbone, but I see now that I also need to replace the anti roll bar mount.
I know that there is three different sizes, but is there any system for which Leon-models that go to the different sizes? Or is this just random?`

Since I already need to take off the roll bar, I want to replace the anti roll bar links also. I found out that powerflex got a kit, but I can't figure out where its supposed to be... Is there a possibility that I got the same links as LCR since I have LC4?
I'm guessing that the models that need the kit got links that looks like this:

But mine looks more like this:

Is that correct?

If so, do anyone have any recommendations for "upgraded" links like the second picture?

Thank you.

According to this guy, I'm correct..?

Also, I went out and measured my ARB. I did only manage to measure on the end, and with some undercarriage treatment on, I measured 20.5mm..
Do I need the 18mm then? PFF85-411-18?
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Active Member
Apr 11, 2005
Monifieth, Dundee
When I replaced the front ARB bushes, I was told to get the 2mm smaller bushes - as my car has a 23mm ARB I opted for Superpro 21mm bushes.
Fitted fine with no probs and still OK :D


Active Member
Mar 6, 2012
The Netherlands
When I replaced the front ARB bushes, I was told to get the 2mm smaller bushes - as my car has a 23mm ARB I opted for Superpro 21mm bushes.
Fitted fine with no probs and still OK :D

I believe thats incorrect, just check the inside diamater of the bushing and measure the outside diameter of the ARB (where the bushings sit).


The Drop links will look like this or this:

New steel droplinks by ND-Photo.nl, on Flickr

New steel droplinks by ND-Photo.nl, on Flickr

But mine looks more like this:

Is that correct?

Yes, then you would have the ARB which goes under the driveshaft.
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Active Member
Feb 24, 2013

Sorry for bringing up this thread again..

As you read from above I measured my ARBs to be 20.5mm, so I bought 21 mm and thinking everything will be allright..
Anyways, I just had my LC4 to a PKK (simillar to your MOT) and it did not pass due to the ARB and/or drop links. The mecanic said he could move the whole ARB back and forth and because of that I most likely need to get a new ARB (he could see that the bushes where new).. Or as a suggestion from him, wheld some brackets to the ARB preventing it from moving :blink:

Then I thought that I might got the wrong size for my bushes, that I need 18mm instead of 21mm... That I acctually have 19mm ARB and measured 20.5 due to the undercarriage treatment.. And the bush should be tight around the ARB, right?

I will rather buy a set of 18mm poly bushes than buying a new ARB which still might not fix it..

Any suggestions?


Edit: I found 19mm also on ebay, but according to powerflex.co.uk there is only 18mm, 21mm and 23mm for Leon..
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