Seat leon FR 170bhp CR TDI Tuning Twin channel Box


Active Member
Oct 14, 2011
Crewe Cheshire
The box arrived today about an hour ago it sure was a pain trying to fit the boost part mine is located down the engine and has very tight area to put your hand through, anyway had it fitted went for a test run it has abit more torque but I haven't changed the settings on the box yet ave just left it as the sent it, feels abit faster but I can't really say for sure until I get it on a dyno to check it's power output atc. However during my usual run on the way home I reset my mpg to see how much it would give me, normally I get about 44mpg in town, but it was giving me 75+mpg and then settled at 65+mpg which is quiet good lol, I'll test it on the motor way today on the way to Manchester and just drive like I normally do, this time I'll drive between 60-70 and see what it actually gives me with motorway and in town in Manchester will keep you all updated.


Badger Badger
Jul 15, 2012
West Yorkshire
The mpg read out was significantly higher when I had mine but wasn't sure if they was down to incorrect signals to the ecu or genuine better mpg. On a long run I could get my driven miles and range above 700 miles.
Jul 1, 2014
and I can guarantee he's nowhere near surprised if he got to 200. All he has accomplished is tricking his ecu.....well done that man


Active Member
Oct 14, 2011
Crewe Cheshire
Ok Day 1 i have had the Tuning box on maximum and it sure shows, went for a drive with to manchester with people in the car about 120-140kg extra with me at 121kmph cursing lol this is what i got

my average speed was 35mph but i guess i didn't take a picture i thought it did.

anyway on the return journey i had the box set to optimal (in the middle) to see if there is any different, this time there was extra 40-60kg due to shopping, so in total about 200kg extra then what i normally drive with lol

considering the extra weight and stuff its not bad with the mpg achieved, my next step is to see how many mpg i would get with just £10 top up which ill top up once the range goes to zero to see how much miles ill get out of it before another top up, normally i get about 60-80miles in town before its due to top up lol.

i can't wait to get it on a dyno and then show you guys how much bhp it gets on the max, mid and low of the box lol

oh ya this reading is for combined town and motor way btw lol
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Crazy Fool!
Apr 30, 2005
At home
I don't think you'll get the figures you're expecting bud, and even if you get close chances are it's not within the optimal parameters.
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