Taking car off road.

Dec 5, 2012
Hi all,

My fairly new valeo smf and clutch kit has started slipping already so taking the car off the road to save up.

I've been planning on doing a full rebuild on a spare BAM engine I have sitting around with forged rods, relentless v4 mani and bbt k04 hybrid with watermeth etc etc and now the clutch has started slipping badly which isn't good, I need a car to get to work etc I knew I would need to upgrade the clutch for hybrid turbo power and I was getting all the bits together in my own time, build everything up and drop everything literally straight in. This has put a spanner in the works! As the clutch will definately not last much longer so I'm buying a friends fiesta cheap to use and take the leon off the road for a while.

My question is if I disconnect the battery for an extended period of time will it do anything to the ecu? I've been told the ecu has a battery or something and if left without a source to charge from it could potentially wipe the map off of it rendering it useless. Anyone shed any light on this?

Also is there anything else I should do to prepare the car for being off-road?

Thanks in advance
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Active Member
Jul 16, 2011
No idea on the ECU having a battery or anything, never heard of that before. Disconnected my battery for a couple of months and definitely didn't lose its map though. If your worried why not just reconnect it every week or so and run the car for 10 minutes?


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Loosing map wouldn't be an issue anyway as you will have a newly built engine
which will need running in so should only really use actuator pressure
Add to that the fact of having a hybrid which will respond totally different to what the map expects of a normal k04
Ive had cars standing for months that have gone flat with no issues, your biggest problem will be if keeping the car outside at this time of year all the moisture will make the interior go mouldy


Active Member
Jan 1, 2011
All depends on which map it is as i believe i've read on ED38 that people who have had REVO maps on 2.0 TFSI lost there map even if they have disconnected battery for 5 mins, then the REVO map is still stored in the ECU and needs switching on again. Can charge labour for this aswell if they like.

As it says in the post it's only linked to 2.0 TFSI engines i believe but you never know :rolleyes:

Dec 5, 2012
Lovely. It's a badger 5 map I have on the car at the moment, I was more worried it may render the ECU useless. I did think it was rubbish but wanted to be certain. plan on taking it off the road most likely till late summer next year. The car will be garaged and as for the moisture I'll be putting a few bowls of rice in the car to absorb any moisture so nothing can go mouldy.

Thanks for your help people


Active Member
Nov 17, 2013
Ye my revo remap will vanish if battery dies or disconnected ... I got the revo select switch and it solves the issue

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